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Troubleshooting tips for MF_NG required

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Hi everybody, i´m in need of some advice for the MF_NG module.


I connected 8 motorfaders today for testing and they don´t work as expected.


The faders seem to work, i can see the value output in Mios Studio, but the motors don´t. They jump either all the way up or all the way down if they receive value changes from Mios Studio. If the lever is in the upper half of the fader, it jumps up, regardless if the value changes up or down, and the lever always jumps down, if it´s in the lower half of the fader.

I suspect there is some kind of electrical fault, like bad wiring or so, but I don´t know where to start looking. The wiring and the soldered mf_ng pcb seems to be ok, no visible fault here. Where do I start looking for errors?


I am using RSA0N11M9A07 Motorfaders. The Power for the MF_NG module comes from a laboratory psu (~9V).


I believe I read about a similar problem here in the forum, but this was some time ago and I can´t find this thread anymore. Maybe someone can point me there too.


Many thanks and greetings



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Hi I had that problem. Its discussed here: The app wan't transmitted correctly because of a midi usb cable that doesn't transmit Sysex correctly. I cant emagine that you use a cheap usb midi cable since midibox_ng is running on 32bit systems only... Did you load the motormix protocol throu mios studio - mf_ng window?

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Hi novski, thanks for the answer. I found the problem now. I missplaced vs and vd at J2. That must have confused the motors. Rookie mistake  :mad: . Now it works.


I have some trouble calibrating the motors though. I am not familiar with with all the parameters (deadband, duty cicle,...) in Mios Studio. I am using recycled faders, so I figure, calibrating them will not be easy. Is there some kind of "calibrating guide" already or do you have some insight to share maybe. That would be great.



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