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MB SEQ V4 and led


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I think that i have a trouble with the Led of MB seq v4.

I have used the wilba PCB . 

I m using Blue led and dual led blue and red.

For the resistor i m using 1kohm  for blue abd 470 ohm for the red.

when i m starting the MBseq the blue led bright some less. 

For the dual led the 2 color are on

Some led bright and other are off.


the same without SD card 


Edited by zephyrin
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I'm not completely sure I understand, but I get it that you have some LEDs not come on, and others are on all the time?

I had a problem on mine which turned out to be 1 LED in backwards, which caused several (2, or 3) LEDs to shine constantly!

My advise is to carefully check the polarity and orientation of all LED's.

I have a circuit diagram that the author sent me that helped me identify the problem. Anyhow, If you check all the LEDs like I said, that should do the trick.

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Hi Duggle thank you for your answer. In my case all the led shine when the mb seq start. But some led shine low and other shine hight.

I m not shure but i think is no good that all led shine at start ?

The dual led shine low and the two color shine in the same time.

So i think all the led is ok i will check again.


do you need a special files in SD Card?

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I have used the file it's seem better but not ok i m suspecting that the mapping is not ok.

Are you sure that is the last file?

I m using the PCB from smash TV

How i can have schematic ?


Edit : 

Now i m shure that my PCB don't work with the mapping in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 but i don't know why


I m using the latest programn and and hwcfg file : V4_077

i see in a other forum that U7 is on the back of PCB, on my PCB U7 is on the front face as the other . 

it is possible that the mapping is doing for U7 on the back side of PCB ?

Edited by zephyrin
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Sounds like you have success!

I have no idea why a HC595 would be bad? Of course having the configuration on the SD Card is essential, as well.

If you still want the schematic perhaps PM to Wilba (out of respect for the author). I suppose he has not posted it publicly for some reason or other...

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