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looking to buy an LCD display for BCF2000


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I've seen a pic of a bcf2000 with an lcd display attached to it. its here if you scroll down



I have tried to understand how to create 2 of these but its all confusing. I just cant seem to understand what I need to get and how all this works.

CAN ANYBODY GIMME A PRICE TO MAKE ME 2 of these? and then also have a talk about how to make something for the bcr2000 also?


What I want is to have visual feedback on the bcf2000 and bcr2000 of what parameters im tweaking in sonar



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Hi, it´s a pretty easy thing to build, even if you don´t have much diy experience. All you need is a Core Module (here), a couple of lcds and some ribbon cable. There really is not much to understand. You could also take a look here at the different display options. 2 2x40 character displays are fine, but there are other options which (in my own opinion) would be a better fit.

On that topic in the Reaper forum you posted is another guy who used 8 small ssd1306 displays (a little more down) which would fit exactly above the faders of the bcf2000.


If you need any help, we have a very nice and very helpful community here.


Just to give you a little jump start:


You will need:

       - 1 Core PCB (available at SmashTV) ~8€

       - 1 LPC1769 LPCXpresso Board (available at Watterott) ~24€

       - 2 2x40 character displays (available at eBay) ~10€/p

       - a small collection of electronic parts (complete list here) ~20€

       - SD or Micro SD Card


Prices depend on your location of course.


Think about it.


my regards

Edited by John E. Finster
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Hey!! Thanks for taking time to write to me!


And thanks for mentioning the other little ssd1306 displays! it looks better!!

How does this connect to the bcf2000 unit so they do the same thing? i mean how does the display know what the bcf is controlling so it will show it?


Thanks again!

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You don't connect it to the Behringer. You actually create a new midi controller. And with a program like midi-ox and midi-yoke you create a virtual midi port which merges/splits the 2 controllers into 1 virtual midi port. You just select that virtual midi port in your daw and you're good to go. Some one did this with a tascam US-2400 some time ago.



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