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high latency when receiving CC from daw

John E. Finster

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today I tried syncing my SEQ4 to Reaper as a slave which works very well.


Then I tried to send CCs (events on the timeline on an automation lane) from Reaper to my SEQ4 in order to change the patterns which works, but most of the time with a very high delay. The pattern change happens to late, the first note of a new pattern gets left out or comes from the old pattern. The same happens with Ableton Live, too.

Is here someting I can do to avoid this?




my regards

Edited by John E. Finster
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you've to setup a negative delay for the track which sends the CC (this is possible in Logic Studio since many years, I don't know if Reaper provides a similar function).

If such a delay (in mS) can't be defined, then just send the CC one 128th note earlier.


The CC especially has to be sent before the MIDI clock, otherwise MBSEQ V4 can't change the pattern on-time for obvious reasons.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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