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I have two questions about this command :


1 - Is it possible to precise the type of hw_id in the meta command SetBankOfHwId ? I need it to change some encoders bank but my Dout matrix is receiving the instruction as well (which is not needed)


In example something like :




.. to change only the bank of the encoder 14






.. to change the bank of all the encoder and nothing else



2 - Second question, is it possible to change the bank of an item defined by a matrix ?

If i use...   




...to change the bank of my RGB matrix led event i have an error in MIOS studio like :


ERROR: expecting 1 values for meta type in EVENT_BUTTON ... meta=SetBankOfHwId




In other words: Is it possible to have a new instruction called SetBankfwd_id where we can use the same events like fwd_id ? :p

Edited by endernoumea
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(note that I've no time to give explicit help till September)

A .NGR script would give you much more control over the bank handling, especially the new "set_active" command.
This is a beta feature, a precompiled binary (and some details) can be found in this thread: 
Hope this somehow helps (although it probably didn't answer your question)
Best Regards, Thorsten.
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