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CM MotorMix Emulation a Button


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I have trouble to figure out how to emulate the MotorMix Controller.

I captured the Values once with MidiOX and had a version working on before MB_MG came up. But now im not able to trace that back and make it work with MB_NG.

The main problem is that MotorMix seams to send a CC:15 value 0 event by pressing a (toggle-) button and by releasing it it sends a CC:47 value 67 (that wold be what happens when solo 1 is pressed.)

How can i send two different CC with one Press/depress?




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I´m not able to test it for myself atm, but maybe this could do it. I´m using similar methods for my own box.


You need a *.NGR script to do that:


in the *.NGC:


EVENT_BUTTON id=1 type=meta meta=RunSection:1 range=0:1


and in the *.NGR:


if ^section == 1
      if BUTTON:1 ==  1
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      if BUTTON:1 == 0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   67



Maybe this will do the trick.


my regards



EDIT: Just tested it and it works! The button sends CC15 v0 when pressing and CC47 v67 when depressing.

Edited by John E. Finster
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Hi John E. Finster 

Thanks for the hint to the .NGR File. This works really!

I started to make me a File with 24 Buttons and tried some topology that doesn't seam to work, can you say me how you wold make a second, third  button work?


There is a other thing i can't understand. If i touch a Fadercap i generate a similar message. But it seams to have a Ping going with it as well witch is described in this document. The thing i can't follow is the number 68-75 (90 68 7f) 


Here is a copy of the messages transmitted by touching 2 Fadercaps in follow:

[30356.400] b0 0f 00   Chn# 1  CC# 15 = 0
[30356.401] b0 2f 40   Chn# 1  CC# 47 = 64
[30356.401] 90 68 7f   Chn# 1  Note On  G#6  Vel:127
[30356.512] b0 0f 00   Chn# 1  CC# 15 = 0
[30356.512] b0 2f 00   Chn# 1  CC# 47 = 0
[30356.512] 90 68 00   Chn# 1  Note Off G#6 (optimized)

[30427.985] b0 0f 01   Chn# 1  CC# 15 = 1
[30427.986] b0 2f 40   Chn# 1  CC# 47 = 64
[30427.986] 90 69 7f   Chn# 1  Note On  A-6  Vel:127
[30428.065] b0 0f 01   Chn# 1  CC# 15 = 1
[30428.066] b0 2f 00   Chn# 1  CC# 47 = 0
[30428.066] 90 69 00   Chn# 1  Note Off A-6 (optimized)

how can i find out what a number i have to transmit with the Select or Mute Buttons...




Thanks for any help.. -And the help you already done!



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Ok, I found my old notes from my "Motormix Studies" with cubase I did a few years ago and I think I can dare to take a shot at this:


For every button there has to be sent 2 CCs, the first one selects the channel and the second one sets the function (like solo, mute,.....).


Now, if I remember correctly, the 2 CCs have to be sent twice (so 4 events in total) with different values to set a function.





Fader Touch:


15     0(0-7)

47     64

15     0(0-7)

47     00




15     0(0-7) 

47     65 

15     0(0-7) 

47     01




15     0(0-7)

47     66

15     0(0-7)

47     02




15     0(0-7)

47     67

15     0(0-7) 

47     03 




15     0(0-7)

47     68 

15     0(0-7)  

47     04  




15     0(0-7)

47     69  

15     0(0-7)

47     05 



Regarding the PING, I think you can ignore it for now. The Mackie Protocol too has some kind of PING thingie integrated but I didn´t have any trouble ignoring it (at least with Reaper and Ableton).


EDIT: Sorry, I got some messed up notes lying here  :rofl: . I changed the events again...

Edited by John E. Finster
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Unfortunatly I´m not able to test this atm. I´m far away from home (and from my midiboxes :bye: ) for a few days. Next week I will be able to test this.


I suggest you try and put something like this in the *.NGR:



if ^section == 1
      if BUTTON:1 ==  1
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   67
      if BUTTON:1 == 0
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   3


This is for the Solo on Track 1. For the other tracks the cc15 value has to be changed from 0-7.

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I just tested your suggestions. They work!

I tryed to make several buttons work. But i found out that i have to make a section for each button, witch i think is not the right way to go.

How wold you configure 24 Buttons in *.NGR?



Edit: don't need full table, just maybe a example of 3 buttons...

Edited by novski
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you can create as many sections in the *.NGR as you like. Here are some examples for the solo/mute/rec buttons of track 1


if ^section == 1
      if BUTTON:1 ==  1
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   67
      if BUTTON:1 == 0
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   3

if ^section == 2
      if BUTTON:2 ==  1
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   66
      if BUTTON:2 == 0
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   2

if ^section == 3
      if BUTTON:3 ==  1
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   69
      if BUTTON:3 == 0
      send   CC   USB1   1   15   0
      send   CC   USB1   1   47   5


The according BUTTON events in the *.NGC file would be:



EVENT_BUTTON   id=1   type=meta   meta=RunSection:1   range=0:1



EVENT_BUTTON   id=2   type=meta   meta=RunSection:2   range=0:1



EVENT_BUTTON   id=3   type=meta   meta=RunSection:3   range=0:1


Of course you have to keep track of all the button ids and the according section numbers.


my regards

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Hey, it just hit me . Since what you want to acchieve isn´t technically the same you asked for in the initial topic (sending different CCs by pressing/depressing a button) you could try something more simple.


Now you want to send 2 CCs by pressing a button and the same 2 CCs by depressing, just with a different value. So I think something like this could work:


In the *.NGC file assign 2 events to one button with a specific range and button mode:



# SOLO Track 1

EVENT_BUTTON   id=1     hw_id=1   type=cc   chn=1   cc=15   range=0:0   button_mode=OnOff

EVENT_BUTTON   id=2     hw_id=1   type=cc   chn=1   cc=47   range=3:67   button_mode=OnOff


# SOLO Track 2

EVENT_BUTTON   id=3     hw_id=2   type=cc   chn=1   cc=15   range=1:1   button_mode=OnOff

EVENT_BUTTON   id=4     hw_id=2   type=cc   chn=1   cc=47   range=3:67   button_mode=OnOff


# SOLO Track 3

EVENT_BUTTON   id=5     hw_id=3   type=cc   chn=1   cc=15   range=2:2   button_mode=OnOff

EVENT_BUTTON   id=6     hw_id=3   type=cc   chn=1   cc=47   range=3:67   button_mode=OnOff





# MUTE Track 1

EVENT_BUTTON   id=7     hw_id=4   type=cc   chn=1   cc=15   range=0:0   button_mode=OnOff

EVENT_BUTTON   id=8     hw_id=4   type=cc   chn=1   cc=47   range=2:66   button_mode=OnOff


# MUTE Track 2

EVENT_BUTTON   id=9     hw_id=5   type=cc   chn=1   cc=15   range=1:1   button_mode=OnOff

EVENT_BUTTON   id=10   hw_id=5   type=cc   chn=1   cc=47   range=2:66   button_mode=OnOff


# MUTE Track 3

EVENT_BUTTON   id=11   hw_id=6   type=cc   chn=1   cc=15   range=2:2   button_mode=OnOff

EVENT_BUTTON   id=12   hw_id=6   type=cc   chn=1   cc=47   range=2:66   button_mode=OnOff


With that button mode and range the button (solo track 1) sends CC15 0 + CC47 67 when pressed and CC15 0 + CC47 3 when depressed.


If this works you wouldn´t need a *.NGR script and you could assign all the button within the *.NGC file.


I can´t guarantee for that though. Like I said, I won´t be home till next week to test this for myself.



my regards





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