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need information to start a sammichSID


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hello everybody! I live in France and I am determined to build one sammichSID, in fact I fell in love with the great sound of these great little machines! I have 2 sid 8580 chips and the + 1 Commodore or it lacks the chip in, the problem is that I'm a little confused with all the kits that are, so I would like to know already so I have to order on smash tv or electronic mike, and what kit is better now to make a sammichSID stereo? My project that will make my sammichSID such as Ponoko Wilba in a case, do you think I could make contain all the pcb inside? thank you in advance to anyone that can help me. (sorry for my english not very accurate)  :rolleyes:


Best regard, praxis

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Unfortunately, the sammichSID was a limited-run kit. All the sammichSIDs that were made have been sold and as far as I know, there are no plans to produce any more (although you never know)... If you already have your SID chips and want to build a synthesizer, you're probably going to have to go the modular route. It's a little daunting, but not impossible.

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I know that sammichSID of Wilba no longer made , but it is possible to do this is just a midibox stereo with 2 sid and there has the equivalent of this model in various pcb what I saw uccaps on , right? What I want to do is the same machine, even if it is not physically the same but in the smallest possible deal and made in acrylic, with Ponoko . The problem is that as with all kits there has to smash tv or elec mike , I'm lost and I 'm not sure what kit to buy and I in France , so I have ordered from mike or smash tv ? I'm not a whiz with electronics, I just built a few synths for 6 months when I started the diy, but for years I wanted to get into the DIY and I wanted to make a sammichSID then I 'm very motivated for this project and I would like to start as soon as possible because I have several synths in works and I want to end all synths at the same time if possible. (sorry for my english) :pinch:

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The sammichSID boards are quite small already. I doubt it will be easy fitting a modular type of MBSID into the box. But never say never. :) You might ask Wilba if he has a left over kit or if he has any plans of doing another batch. Or of course, asking at the fleemarket if someone has a non-completed kit for sale.


Good luck!

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It'll be really tough to fit the modular boards into a sammich-sized case, but I'm sure you could get something pretty tiny if you don't mind doing the work for a custom case.

The build guide on the wiki is pretty straightforward. The advantage to doing a modular is that you can always expand the number of SID chips or fill out the control surface as needed.

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