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Newbie Programmer questions

Guest nizor

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Hello all,

I've had ucapps in my bookmarks for a long time noq and i decided to build my SID.

For the hardware part, it should be OK.

But I wonder where i could find some kind of tutorial to use MIOS.

How do I add small apps to a program skeleton.

Do I use MPLab ???

I'm a bit lost so if someone could give a hand, that would be nice.


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Hey nizor,

 the best way to approach these projects is to start building, and then working out how to get all the stuff into the PIC18F452 chip will start to fall into place.

basically, to get the firmware in...

1. build a JDM programmer (see Thorsten's page on this... www.ucapps.de)

2. install ic prog onto your PC (again, Thorsten has made easy instructions on his website)

3. burn the bootstrap loader (mios downloads page) into the PIC (Thorsten has instructions) using ic-prog

4. load the application into the PIC over a sysex midi connection, using "midi-Ox" (Thorsten......)

I think that's it... If you have problems, we will help you out, but please put any programming issues in the relevant thread divisions

good luck, from Steve

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thanks for your answer.

But what i do need is a way to understand how to program my own apps with mios.

I already know how to build my SID machine and understood how to burn pics (i do it for my satellite TV stuff, it's the same programmer).

I'm currently looking for a kind of tutorial for the mios programming.

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That's exactly what I'm looking for, too.

The hardware-part should work fine, but how do I adapt the software to my hardware??

I'd like to build 8 collums each containing:

-4 rotary encoders  with two rings of 8 LEDs  each to display 64 steps.

-2 faders

-4 buttons with internal LEDs

Where can I configure/implement the LED-rings / their matrix??

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