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But thats it !

Midifle Optimizer has no toughscreen  they say  therefore you need  the live pc player.

So you need a Tablet PC + live PC Software + midifile Optimizer Software , that makes abouth 1000 €ros.


If a midfileplayer is possible , then its just a case off adding the hardware and software.

I have a Motif es with 6 outputs  , and I use 2 for Drums  , 2 for Instuments , and 2 for these Space sounds like chor and Strings.


Played from Spaekers wide apart from each other.


Its sounds like a live band , I play Acoustic gitar.


I am a elektronic technician  but not a Programmer.


Maybe you can help me , I also dont mind to spend some for your efforts .


And I am sure there are many more people interesting in this issue .


Greeting John van Bergem


I am a dutchman so you can also write in   deutsche Sprache

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Like TK said, your Midi File player is available in the Midio128 software.  You being an electronics technician means you can build this yourself.  Build an LPC Core, add an SD-Card plus a 2 line LCD with 6 buttons and encoder (SCS) and you have your player. 


As far as software, you have to load a boot loader into the LPC1769 module before connecting to your core hardware.  Once this is done you download a pre-compiled HEX file called Midio128 into your hardware using the USB port.  If everything was wired properly, you have your Midifile player. 


I should say that the player supports Midi Ch 1-16 which can be transmitted to all of the Midi ports if so configured.  The data sent is the same for all ports.  This means that the data for all your 2 drums, 2 instruments, and 2 for your space sounds have to be contained in channels 1 thru 16.  Individual tracks being sent to separate ports is not supported.

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Hello !


I'm working on this stm32f4 discovery ,and soon I saw this on your homepage I fell in love with it and bought one.

The bootloader and the mios software is already working , this was real easy .


What I need is the Functions off this Midfile Optimizer 7  on a hardware midifile player.


My Motif es Rack can receive over USB , on 32 Channels but for some reasen only 30 are supported.

But thats not important for the Moment.

The routings on this Rack  for sounds  on  3 Stereo Outputs follows  with sysex messages .

Also each voice off the Drumset can be adjusted and changed.

Also Effects and the DSP can be edited .



Just take look at this midifileoptimizer free demo ,  its perfect for this Rackmodul for a live party .


At the moment I'm speculating over the outlook .


Thanks for Reply !

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