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Step sequencer project / A live set killer.


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Hello everyone! I am Baptiste, minimal techno/deep house producer from Belgium.

As I already told to TK, I have a dream :

A developement of the doepfer A-155.


The changes :

_16 steps/knobs

_Midi or usb sync

_3 Buttons to switch to a virtualy other sequencer.

So, giving the ability to use the same hardware control surface for multiple sequencers.
(3 would be enough)

_5 buttons to change speed of the sequencers anytime (/1, /2, /3, /4, /8) (syncronized switching)

_3x glide knobs for control in the 3 sequencers anytime.


_just 1 raw of gate switches (3 positions : gate1 - off - gate2)


The live set killer.

I made a picture :



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Hi Baptiste,


welcome aboard! Nice concept and should be doable with a bit of hardware and software hacking with the MIDIbox platform!


Also, you could investigate building and using the MBSEQ V4 first, which should have about the same set of features (but not containing analog-step-seqeuencer-like freely tunable notes per step, it is restricted to the MIDI rote range), and with a different control surface.


The SEQ V4 is definitely made for live playing and should be able to cover parts of your intended use case... If you like it and want some shortcuts (e.g. changing the tracks output with one button press), you can do that by modifiying the software.


Other than that, you might want to take a look at the new MIDIbox CV project, it might cover other parts :-). Well, MIDIbox is all about DIY, what you want is doable with some dedication ;-).


Many greets,


Edited by Hawkeye
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I really dont know how to start this.. that's my problem. I have got no knowledge in electronics. Only in sound design.
I would like someone to do it but if it is the perfect tool only for me that wont happen.

I hope someone is like me but with the knowledges :)

Otherwise, if a big heart wish to guide me into doing this, he would be my 3rd best friend.

Cheers everyone

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I agree with Hawkeye, that such a control surface unfortunately doesn't fit with the MBSEQ V4 concept.

A new application has to be developed for this, e.g. based on this tutorial: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F017_sequencer%2F


My sparetime is too limited for such side-projects (which I'm not used myself), but maybe somebody else with programming skills is interested?


 Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello TK, thanks for your participation in this thread. Yes I hope someone will see enjoyment in taking this train with me.
One friend built me (and with me) an equivalent in max msp. Sending CC via midi and triggers via audio (my soundcard allow this)
I will control it with a Korg nano kontroller. That s already so cool :p
But only pitch bend has enough quality so this is only 1 "melodic" CV.
Others (there are 4 on the A-190-2) are not fluid enough.

I am thinking of using max to bypass the C language thing.
With a proper midi controller and a proper midi to cv/gates box it could be done.

I would really like a partner/mentor/professor on this, for that hardware part of the job.

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