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John's Organ MIDIfication project


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1.  I sat on the bench, set the stops I want to use, played a bit.  all good.

2. using the control surface, I started the recording, noted the time incrementing on the right end of the LCD, The "recording" was blinking.

3. Went back to the bench and the keyboards are dead, nothing, no sound at all.

I have the dig I/O with both play and record checked, and the same for midi1  and midi 2.

What does the ****ALL DOUTs DEACTIVATED****  mean.  If the DOUT pins are deactivated, the matricies won't encode.  How is this changed?

Should I wait until after the LPC is in record mode to set the stops, then play?

Confused and frustrated!!


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Lets see whats in your recorded file.


Why don't you connect your MidiBox up using the USB port to your PC.  Make sure the MidiBox has the ".MID" ports set to play and record for your USB1 port.  Start your MIOS_Studio.exe software and make sure its communicating by pressing the "Query" button.  Select the file you recorded and start it playing.  You should see the data in the file scrolling past in the MIDI IN: area in the upper left hand window.  Is the file blank?  Also know that you will see ALL NOTES OFF and RESET CC commands sent by the player when it is stopped.  This could be your problem with stops being cleared.


Something else that you will notice is that when you are in record mode, line 2 will show a STOP message along with a message showing which port and the data being recorded is coming from.  Do you see this line 2 changing as your pushing keys while recording?


And you will have to start recording then set your stops.  How else are the stops going to be recorded in the Midi file.


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I think I found your problem.  It seems that in the midio_matrix.c file is missing a statement to record any IO from the Midio128 matrix functions.  It needs "MID_FILE_Receive(DEFAULT, p);"  at the end of the MIDIO_MATRIX_NotifyToggle() function. 


You will probably find that data from the Midi ports 1 & 2 are being recorded but not Matrix scanning info.


You might ask TK to add this in the next release.



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I posted a note to TK in the midio128 ver3 thread referring to this thread regarding the recorder/player.  i never know where to put my posts.

Hopefully TK will find that post, or this one and respond.  He seems to keep up with whats going on.

In the past, you gave me some help with issues regarding DOUTs especially when UL2803 drivers were emplanted on the DOUT pcbs. Also grounding and power supply issues with the LPC and DOUTS.

You may have notices that the block diagram i posted earlier on this thread was devoid of the Driver chain of DOUTS and all discussions of SAMS. Following those posts, I continued to have problems with the douts with drivers on the pcbs and finally decided that the overall design of the organ relay was too frought with issues to continue, so I changed over to a Peterson combo action system which came to me without charge.  The overall system, excluding the peterson Combo, however,  remained the same, inparticular the LPC17 and all encoding KB modules, etc.  In addition, the lack of a reliable analog capability with the LPC forced me to find other means to support the swell shoes and cresendo pedal.

I still feel strongly that a complete, reliable pipe organ relay (winded pipe system) can be built out of midibox hardware, but not without someone with programming skills, taking the time to modify midio128 to include a comb action.  With that in place, there would be no need for a computer, jorgan, miditzer are any other device.  For VTO, A computer is still needed as a soundsource, or a separate sound engine device similar to the Artisan soundengine.

At 75, my interest in all this stuff continues, but  my resolve to continue fighting problems, etc. is waining!

You are always willing to jump in and offer assistance, and I greatly appreciate that.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


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Thanks for the kind words John.  I know about fighting problems can drag you down.  But look at what you have done so far.  Its a great learning experience.    I hope TK will help with including recording from the matrix keyboards.  It may not be as simple as adding one statement in the matrix code since the change may spill into the SCS code.  I don't know if this is the case since I haven't looked at that code functionality.  I would think that a simple implementation would be just fine and just include all matrix I/O into the same option value that is defined for the DI/O option. 



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Hardware: A 3 manual midified organ console , with (64) SAMS, 42 pistons, (2) swell shoes, (1) cresendo pedal.

Relay components:

 One (1) LPC17

One (1) Core8 w/ 3 DINS  (DIN inputs are pedal (32 notes, channel 4);  pistons,  contacts on 18 SAMS,  Contacts on Rotary Swell Shoe drum controller all on channel 15) .

Two (2)  KB modules - encoding three keyboards(61 keys each, channels 1,2,3) , and contacts on 64 SAMS on channel 5.

Config .MIO  defines output on matrices as midi OUT2.  Core8 messages route IN1  to OUT2.

Modi Router OUT2  feeds Artisan sound Engine.

There are no other connections to the LPC, no PC.

Sound Source is an Artisan Soundengine.

The organ operates normaly.  All console functions are operational

Artisan soundengine displays all midimessages as recieved from the midi OUT2 port on the LPC17.



Keys pressed and stops set (channels 1,2,3,5) do not show up on soundengine display when playing back a file recorded on the recorder and there is no sound from the soundengine..

Expected message would be of the format C1N60. Yes - stops are set after recorder is engaged.



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