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Use encoder to set a button's event value


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Hi all!

I want to make a button which sends a NRPN event.
The value of this event should, however be set with another encoder.
Because using ngr scripts was a good choice in the past, i tried this:


EVENT_ENC    id=116 hw_id= 14 type=Meta meta=runsection:206 range=map1 no_dump=1 enc_mode=Absolute  label="^std_enc"
EVENT_BUTTON id=123 hw_id=123 type=NRPN nrpn= 45 nrpn_format=MsbOnly   no_dump=1 button_mode=OnOnly label="^std_btn"
if ^section == 206
    set Button:123 ^value

But somehow it does not work like suspected.


1) Turning the encoder also triggers the button event but
it was intended that it set the button's value only.
Maybe i misunderstood the SET and TRIGGER commands?
2) Although MiosStudio reports ("show id button:123") a correct value after turning the encoder,

the button always sends value 127 and not the value of the encoder.

Thanks for any advice!

Best reragds

Edited by Marxon
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to 1)


I added the following to the wishlist:

- "silent set value" (don't send MIDI event when value is changed)


to 2)


you've specified "nrpn_format=MsbOnly" - could this be the reason?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_030_pre2.zip


The "silent set" can now be done with:

    change Button:123 ^value

and the reason for 2) was, that the button will always send the "max" value of the specified range (0:127 by default).


The new:

    set_max Button:123 ^value

command will allow you to change the range


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Like always, great work Thorsten :thumbsup:

Silently set a button´s value via an encoder works like expected.

I use the ngc code from my first post together with this ngr script:

if ^section == 206
	set_max Button:123 ^value
	change Button:123 ^value


Thank you!



Best regards


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