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SEQ V4 firmware question


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I was browsing the SEQ v4 firmware and in seq_midi_sysex.c I found references to REMOTE_CMD_LCD, which is apparently for sending strings to the SEQ v4 LCD?   I could not deduct however, if i can send such strings through a sysex command - which would suit my setup quite a bit..


Does such a feature exist?


Thank you

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this hidden "remote control" feature exists since several years. My intention was to access "slave cores" from the UI of a "master core", this would make the design scalable. But it turned out, that the setup and handling is too cumbersome, therefore I never released this (and actually I considered to remove it from the firmware, since I don't use this feature by myself and therefore can't check if it is still working...)


For which purpose do you want to send strings?

And should they be displayed as a temporary, or permanent message on screen?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi TK!


Thanks for looking into this!  My use case is like this:  I have a 3U rack mount lpc17 based SEQ V4 with a little GM sound board. In the 3U box is also a lpc17 based NG. The cores are connected to one another thru midi 3.   The SEQ core runs the SEQ of course. I'm mostly a guitar player, so I want to control my gear with a FCB1010 floorboard.   Amp channel switching, effect processors and stuff like that.


The NG is  a control center, it wraps NRPN and Sysex commands  with simple note or cc messages, which the floorboard can handle.  That's why I also asked you about the midi clock in NG1.030_pre2 which- shame on me- I still haven't tested for you.


The NG has only midi in/out & USB plus an SD card for configs.  There is no room on the frontpanel for an LCD or leds for visual feedback. It would be great if I could make the NG send a sysex to the SEQ and that it would show a temporary message on the LCD of the SEQ what the NG is doing.. 


Best regards!

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Thank you, I'm looking forward. if I may suggest: it would be very cool if the NG software would somehow automate the sysex string sending to the Seq, like the label command. That would be amazing cross integration between midiboxes. If others would need it too of course.

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No problem, MBNG uses almost the same "buffered LCD" handler like MBSEQ, which means that the same method can be copy&pasted into the code.


There is a problem: the messages should only be print temporary, but the buffered LCD handler expects a static screen.

Changing this would lead to a bad MIDI performance.

And adding a buffer for this LCD messaging feature at the MBSEQ side would mean less place for more useful features.


Since this would only for you, and since I'm sure that you will find other ways (sending LCD strings via EVENT_ commands), I won't implement this.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That's OK,  I was hoping hat a sysex message could simply trigger something like SCS_Msg(SCS_MSG_L, 1000, "Left", "Side");  But the SEQ doesn't use the std SCS module, right?    I'll find a workaround..



BTW: I was looking to add dominant chords to seq_chords.c   (i.e. major3 with b7 and variants). Should I stick to max &1f chords or can I go beyond that?

Edited by EsotericLabs
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Yes, MBSEQ uses a dedicated menu system.

Major problem is the screen control, buffering and slow UART based MIDI update speed.


Chords: limited to 0x1f, because the remaining bits control the octave


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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