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After much delay (actually, years) I am returning to the building of my VTPO.  It will consist of 

three manuals and 32-note pedalboard, second touch on Pedal, Accompaniment, and Great.  The configuration I am considering will include a total of sixty (60) pistons plus a General Cancel, two (2) Swell shoes, and Crescendo.  Other additions will come later.


What MIDIbox components will I need to convert this configuration to MIDI?  I have researched the Forum and WIKI but would like for 'the voice of experience' to confirm my requirements.



 Jim Pitts

Posted (edited)

Hi Jim,


I have been playing with Midibox for over 5 years now.  All of my projects have used the basic MIOS with modifications to the Midio128 version 2 and version 3 software packages.  It so happens that what you are planing to do can be done with the Midio128 v3 software.  You shouldn't have to change any of the basic software, just configure it for your use.  The advantage here is that all of the inputs you are asking for can be supported by just one core.


My opinion would be to wire your keyboards and pistons in an 8 by 8 matrix configuration.  Midio128 will support up to 8 of these 8x8 matricies and you will need to use all 8 of these for the number of key inputs and Midi channels you want to send to your PC.  I beleive that the matrix system is hard coded to send Note ON/OFF messages only.  There is a "MODE value of "NORMAL or MAP but I don't know what it does.  You might find this in the documentation.  You configure which shift regisers (16 pins) will be used, the starting note, and the Midi Channel to send the messages out.  One thing that I don't know is being able to configure your pistons to send Program Change messages.  If you are using Hauptwerk then the PC can be configured to use Note ON messages for your pistons if thats the only thing that can be sent. 


You can buy most of this stuff from SmashTV  http://mbhp.avishowtech.com/buy.html

You would need 4 of the DIO_MATRIX boards.  I don't think SmashTV has a kit available for these boards but you might ask.  They do have the raw boards for only $7ea.  Each matrix board will supply 2 of your 8x8 keyboards with 64 switches max per matrix.  You will have to wire the switches in a specific sequence so the right notes will be sent for each key.


For the core you can use the LPC17 unit.  There is an even newer unit that is the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 that is another option but as of right now it is fairly new.  You will also need an SD card interface so that your configuration can be loaded when the unit powers up.  An LCD and control cerface (SCS) is nice but not completely necessary since your configuration can be changed on the SD card using a simple editor like NOTEPAD++ using your PC.  The LPC17 can send the midi data over the USB and/or the 2 Midi out ports supplied on the board.


Your Swell and Crescendo data can be sent using linear pots connected to any one of the 6 Analog inputs.


One thing that a few others have found out is that the DIO_MATRIX boards have to be very close to the CORE processor.  The signals from the LPC17 board are only 3.3v signals and are more prown to pick up noise and not work over long ribbon cable runs.


There are others on the forum that know a lot more than me and will be able to answer some of the more difficult questions.   Hope this helps.


Pete Knobloch 


Edit-Changed 8 pin to 16 pin for matrix shift register.  It needs 8 outputs and 8 inputs to read the 64 switches.

Edited by kpete

Pete, thanks for your in-depth reply.  Your suggestions generally confirm my rough draft of needed components but your explanation identifies some things I overlooked.  This will get me started on building the various components and getting the console MIDIfied.  I have already done the 8x8 diode matrices for the three manuals and pedals, including the floating matrices for Second Touch.  I'm sure I will have many questions as this project progresses.  Initially I will rely on touch screen/piston registration but eventually will add SAMS or their equivalent.


Thanks again for the help.  I really appreciate the detailed outline.


Jim Pitts

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