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A New Direction...


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Today marks a  new chapter in my life as a producer Live PA artist as I will be incorporating the SEQV4 into my live setup and phasing out my Machinedrum as main sequencer... Looking forward to using this powerful piece of self made equipment and thank all that have assisted me to getting to this level... The learning curve will take a bit to figure out but in a months time I hope to be somewhat proficient with it and have it setup to work with my gear... Still have the Quad IIc to troubleshoot but that is minor...




SEQV4  - master sequencer


Track 1 - Jomox Mbase ( midi filter to remove clock rx from SEQV4 and to provide prog changes)


Track 2 - Machinedrum (SEQV4 to send pattern changes)


Track 3 - Minitaur (trigger minitaur via midi send prog changes and CC)


Track 4 - Dual Darkenergy's (trigger cv/gate via AOUT if tracking bad then midi)


Track 5 - MKS 30 (trigger via midi and prog changes, maybe cc but may stick with PG200 for that)


Track 6 - Ensoniq DP/4 (prog changes possible cc as well)


SEQV4 clock sent to Acidlab Bassline


Any tips appreciated... Need to come up with a general template so I can apply it to any new tracks that start on...

Edited by cosmosuave
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SEQV4 as a master + MD (or in fact any other MIDI gear) = dream team! :-)


You can set up an "empty" base session, which you load up everytime you start something new - and then save it under a different name, when you have created something...

In that "base" session, you could map your midi equipment to "standard" tracks, so it is easier to remember, e.g. drums to track 1-4, synths to 5-8, etc (by assigning midi ports/channels to these tracks).

But that of course also depends on how you wish to work: either you´d take a more pattern based approach (exchanging 4 tracks at a time - a bit like changing ableton scenes), or you would prefer to mute/unmute single tracks (like ableton single clip muting/unmuting).


Many greets!


Edited by Hawkeye
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