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MBSEQv4 drum track drum names?


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I couldn't find MBSEQv4 drum track drum names for the 16 different drums in the MBSEQv4 manual, and I'm not able to figure them all out on my own. Perhaps they're standard drum machine stuff, but I'm not too familiar with those, so I need some help. It would make assigning drums to different slots easier if I knew what each abbreviation means, so if someone can help me out with this, it's much appreciated!


Here are my guesses, please also correct me if I've got some of them wrong!


BD = bass drum

SD = snare drum

CH = closed hat

PH = ?

OH = open hat

MA = ?

CP = clap

CY = cymbal

LT = low tom

MT = mid tom

HT = high tom

RS = ?

CB = ?

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I think its:


BD = bass drum

SD = snare drum

CH = closed hat

PH = pedal hat

OH = open hat

MA = maracas

CP = clap

CY = cymbal

LT = low tom

MT = mid tom

HT = high tom

RS = rim shot

CB = cowbell


I believe they are taken from the general midi percussion. 



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