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To all those who have succesfully built thier own!

Guest dustyny1

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Guest dustyny1

Hey everyone!

I am one of the many newbies on the site, and I am blown away by this project. I am sure there are many here who are having a hard time figuring out things like part lists and designs, like myself and many who have been in this position in the past. I am having a really hard time figuring out what goes in, what encoders, buttons, LCDs, to use (which is odd cause I am pretty technical). I know the information is in these forums and on the website but it takes a while to track it all down.

So here is what I am suggesting.

Either a thread or a webpage where people can post the parts list that the used, what their experiences were, their review of the parts and maybe some pictures. Ideally with links to sites where they purchased the parts. Perhaps make it a sticky in the forum so it is always on top (if this forum has that capability)

I personally would find it very helpful to view someone's parts list, what went in (how many core modules, AIN module, LCD module etc) and how they tackled certain problems. I have a feeling that this could really reduce the learning curve a bit and let us move on to the tougher stuff sooner.

Hopefully some of you will think this is a good idea too..

Thanks till then I will be reading till my eyes fall out... =)


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hi Dusty,

The various configurations, very well documented with pretty much all you have requested already exists at uCApp.de.

My advice is to build one of the known documented designs as a first step. Yes, there is total customisation possible but there is too much to learn/know in one step.

The published designs offer hugh flexibility as control surfaces/midi instruments. How you work with your control surface is also an evolving thing that will develop as will your ideas about what you want.

So my best advice is to go with one of the standard configurations and use it to learn!

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Guest dustyny1

Forgive me if I missed something here but I have not seen a parts list for the MidiBox64 listed on the main site.

The only mention of the parts (that I found) is this line in the walk thru:

"Next thing to do is build a parts list based on your decisions. You can use an existing one out there, or do your own if you know what you're doing."

I do intend to follow thru on one the documented designs. But I figure out of all the things I have to learn, learning how to put together a parts list is not the most vital.

I am sure that a running database of completed projects would not only help us newbies, but would create a resource for the more seasoned to avoid some trial and error work.  (but like I said I really dont know that much  :) )


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there used to be a parts list for the MB64, but it is out of date now, as the MBHP modular system changed everything. You can work out what parts you need from the list for the core module, and also for the AIN module and The Din module. I'm not sure if that list includes the extra 1k pull up resistor or not. Then you will have to check the schematic for the rest of the parts. Actually, I'm not sure how it works now, as my MB64 layout was completely different, sorry.

it was much easier for me, when I used Greg's old MB64 PCB!

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The basic procedure is to consider the modules required for the configuration you want to build and locate the parts on the schematics.

If you would like to submit the list you make when you build yours (to Thorsten and/or the portal), then this will be of benefit to the midibox community.


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Guest dustyny1

:-/Forget I mentioned it.

Clearly you don't think this is a very good idea. Instead I will go the route I hoped to avoid, asking 1 billion questions that have probably been asked time and time again till I get enough info to build my basic controller.

Sorry in advance ;D


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If you would like to submit the list you make when you build yours (to Thorsten and/or the portal), then this will be of benefit to the midibox community.

yes! Tor Arne made the first step with his MIDIbox64 walkthrough ca. 2 1/2 years ago, unfortunately his ordering list is a little bit outdated, and we also know some cheaper suppliers in the meantime (see the WhereToOrder page) - so pleace publish your lists, regardless if you've created an ultracheap controller or one of the big ones.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Clearly you don't think this is a very good idea.

No, actually a complete parts list is a good idea and it would be useful to others, so why not do it yourself? ;)

Instead I will go the route I hoped to avoid, asking 1 billion questions that have probably been asked time and time again till I get enough info to build my basic controller.

Please make use of the forum search and other midibox web resources first, then if you still don't understand then please ask questions.

good luck with your project

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These projects are so flexible, and Thorsten keeps them quickly updated, to the point that documenting them is almost impossible!

But hopefully we will see some tutorials from the average builder soon!

(I will finish college in the next few weeks, so I will hopefully have more time to do an LC tutorial)

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