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Explain Mixer Maps plz...


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The manual doesn't really explain what Mixer Maps are very clearly - I gather they're a way to reconfigure midi ports/channel routing internally on the Seq, and to send a bunch of MIDI signals from the Seq to any connected devices.  And they can be setup to automatically send on pattern changes, etc.


But the documentation isn't really clear on how exactly Mixer Maps work and what they're used for.  I thought maybe some of you nice people might try explaining them a little more clearly, and maybe giving some examples of how you use them...


Each mixer map has 16 columns - Am I right to think that each column corresponds to one Seq track - ie: column 3 configures track 3 and the synth attached to track 3?  If you set the midi channel (or bus) in the Mixer Map, how does that relate to the midi channel (or bus) set for the track?  I notice that changing the bus and midi channel for (eg:) track 2 in the mixer map doesn't seem to change the bus and channel settings on that track's event page.


The manual says that mixer maps contain "64 free assignable CCs (4 for each port)" - how are the CC's related to the port?  Does that mean you can set up 4 ccs for USB3 (and those CCs will apply to all tracks using USB3) and 4 different ccs for OUT1, etc.?  Why do the CCs relate to the port instead of the track?  Is this because it's assumed you'd have only one synth connected to each port?


There seem to be references in the manual and in some of the videos to using the Mixer Maps as a way to send CC and prog change signals whenever the user wants - some of the videos say Mixer Maps are "like a midi controller" - could someone explain this?  There are references to "dumping" maps - does this mean that the whole map must be sent at once - ie: you can't just use it to send one arbitrary CC value?  Do you have to "dump" the map for all tracks at once, or can you just "dump" to one track?


I'd guess one of the uses of Mixer Maps is to set up your synths with the sound you've chosen for a particular pattern by sending a prog change message, and maybe setting volume, panning, modulation, or other CCs.  Could someone explain the steps required to do that though?  For example, let's say I only wanted to send a prog change and a volume setting to the synth attached to track 3.  How exactly would I do that?



Any explanations would be greatly appreciated - In particular, I think it would be really useful to hear how you use the Mixer Maps feature.



Also, does "panorama" mean "panning", as in panning a sound to the left or right speaker?


Can Mixer Maps send sysex messages?





...The more I dig into this Sequencer, the more amazing it gets.  Having so much fun with this thing - thanks again, TK and everyone who put time into making this thing so great.

Edited by borfo
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The mixer map is independent of the sequencer tracks, i.e. there is no relation between the 16 Mixer map "columns" and the 16 seq tracks.


As you spotted right, the Mixer map is a kind of "MIDI configuration set", to get all external gear to the right programs and setting.

4 individual CCs can be assigned to each of the 16 columns (not the physical ports).


When your dial in any parameter of the mixer map, it is immediately sent out, thus it works like a midi controller.

But you can save certain configuration (say a number of program changes) and recall it later all in one go via the dump function.


Here's my approach:

mixer map slots 1 to 16 remain assigned to MIDI channels 1 to 16 (default).

MIDI Port is also left as default.

Now to control for example my NordRack (MIDI channel 4), I use the mixer map column 4 to set up the program, any needed CCs etc.

The Evolver receives on MIDI channel 8, so I dial in the program change on mixer map column 8 and so forth.


Now the fun part comes with the Song of Remix pages.

In Song mode, you can set a point in the song to dump a certain mixer page.

In Remix mode, each "Song" has a default mixer map assigned, which is dumped when you change to another set of patterns.

So you can switch to a completely different track with the push of a button. All your external synths will switch to the pre-set programs and setting and saved in the according mixer page.


This is ony of the very mighty features of the great sequencer.

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For example, let's say I only wanted to send a prog change and a volume setting to the synth attached to track 3.  How exactly would I do that?
Think independent of track 3.
Use the Mixer map column that corresponds to your synths MIDI channel.
Also, does "panorama" mean "panning", as in panning a sound to the left or right speaker?


Yes. It's a standard MIDI CC implemented on most synths.


Can Mixer Maps send sysex messages?


I think no.

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@stuartm - That's really helpful - thanks.


How does the "dump" work?  Are all 16 mixer map colums (and all 12 pages of mixer map data per column) always dumped when you set up an automatic mixer map dump?  Can you manually trigger a mixer map dump by pressing a button or something, or can you only trigger a dump by tying it to a pattern change, etc.? [EDIT:  never mind - in Mixer Map mode, hold SELECT and choose the dump option to dump all 16 columns of mixer map data]


Is there any way to send just one column of mixer map data?

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@stuartm - That's really helpful - thanks.


You're welcome :smile:


Is there any way to send just one column of mixer map data?


Currently no, I think.

But the GP buttons don't do anything in mixer map mode, if I'm not wrong.

Maybe that could be an option, i.e. press GP#4 to only dump column 4.

(more for TK's wishlist I presume)

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