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Is this normal for a sammichSID? (three mono voices)


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I have been reading the manual trying to find a clue about this... So forgive me if I missed something obvious.
I was under the impression that if the multi-engine was put in mono mode that there would be 6 mono-voice polyphony.
I get three sounded notes on the left side, and three silent ones on the right side. Also I can only select one SID. The menu doesn't display two. Both SIDs are working because stereo mode sounds fine with three voice polyphony.

Here is a video displaying my problem. You might need to turn up your volume.

Edited by Dronepiper
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Check the VAs (Voice Assignments) configuration in the CFG menu.

Details are here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_m.html


For 6 mono voices it makes sense to statically assign them to dedicated oscillators (O1..O6)


O1..O3 are the oscillators of the left SID chip, and O4..O6 the oscillators of the right SID chip.


If you still don't get any sound out of the right SID chip, check the filter configuration. It could be that you've enabled the filter for certain channels, and that the cutoff frequency is 0


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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There might be some confusion about the SID item. Actually it selects the sound engine (= PIC Core connected over the MBNET network)


Each SID (= PIC core) controls two SID chips, the left and the right SID.



Another reason why it could behave this way: you've to assign dedicated MIDI channels or keyboard split zones in the INS menu, see also: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_e.html


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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When giving voices 3-6 each a dedicated osc from 3-6, I still get the same effect. In this state each instrument is given a note range on the keyboard of 14 notes. acting like 6 mono instruments that are all mixed on the output and have a limited note range.

Last Tried Settings:
example: CFG: ins 1 VAs01 Pol * 
                Ins: SID:1*** Ins:1 Chn:1 SpL:C-0 SpU:B-0, Ins:2 Chn:1 SpL:C-1 SpU:B-1, Ins:3 Chn:1 SpL:C-2 SpU:B-2...........etc.
                Shift: SID1:LR E.ML Ply:*
                FIL:   SID1*** ACh:LR   Min:000  Max:600 Log:o

Still no right channel mono voices. Is this because the right SID is a slave?

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Messing around with MIOS Studio I noticed that when having each ins assigned to an OSC using the VAs option, If I change the MIDI channel, each channel corresponds with one voice. Chn.1 - 01, Chn. 6 - 06, etc...

Still though... chn.3-6 outputs no sound.

If I put every voice on channel one, It just sounds like Lead Engine in that it stacks all three voices in unison and all LEDs light up. No polyphony. 

Edited by Dronepiper
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I tried using the MPC 1000 with different channel assignments and am able to achieve the same effect as changing channels in MIOS studio. But still the lights come on and there is no sound. Also, playing with the filter hasn't made a difference. I may just swap both SIDs and see if that helps.

What kind of beer you drink TK?  :rofl:

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I'm guilty then. :smile:

I haven't swapped the SIDs yet, but I have played with the awesome ctrlr. Sadly I have not found a way to overcome this problem by using it.
I will keep trying though. 3 note stereo polyphony is nice, but six mono notes would make this synth truly an 8-bit monster.

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Which firmware version are you using?

And did you upload the firmware by yourself, or could it be that somebody else modified the default configuration?


If not it makes sense to upload the latest version just to ensure that you are using the sammichSID under the same conditions like the other users who haven't reported such a problem yet.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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