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Strange DIN behaviour with Button ID's


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I've made a prototype/testboard with a STM32F4 board, running midiboxNG. I've connected a 2x40LCD, a SCS board, a DINx4 with 24 buttons and 4 encoders, a DOUTx4 with 32 leds and an Ainser board with 8 pots, and a SD card of coarse.
After changing the DEFAULT.NGC to activate the Ainser module and the 4 encoders everything seems to work like a charm. But I got a strange problem with my DIN SR pinout and the button/encoder ID's.
The first SR acts just normal, like I would expect it to do. D0=Button#1, D1=Button#2, D2=Button#3 etc.
But SR 2 acts like: D0=Button=Button#12, D1=Button#11, D2=Button#10, D3=Button#9, D4=Button#13, D5=Button#14, D6=Button#15 and D7=Button#16
SR's 3 and 4 acts the same as SR2.

I tried all things I could think of, like changing the buttons boards, changing a DINx4 board. I've uploaded Midio128 with the same result. After that I flashed a new bootloader, formatted the SD Card. I made a new 'button only' NGC file with RESET_HW to check the button ID's but the problem stays.
I can't find were to check/change  the DIN SR pinout/Button ID's. I can only find that Button ID1 is equal to SR1D0, Button ID2=SR1D1 etc.. but in my case it's not after SR1?!  any help appreciated!



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D0=Button=Button#12, D1=Button#11, D2=Button#10, D3=Button#9


So, it behaves like if D0..D3 are mirrored?


Because my expectation is that D0=Button#9, D1=Button#10, D2=Button#11, D3=Button#12


You also mentioned that you tested this with MIDIO128.

Does it mean, that MIDIO128 shows the same mirroring?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So, it behaves like if D0..D3 are mirrored?


Because my expectation is that D0=Button#9, D1=Button#10, D2=Button#11, D3=Button#12


That was my expectation also, and SR1 is like that, but SR2,3,4 behaves indeed like if D0..D3 are mirrored.


I did test it with MIDIO128, and it shows the same mirroring. I couldn't see the button ID, but I looked at the generated notes. SR1 D0....D7 shows C,C#,D....G#     

but.... SR2D0...D7 shows D#,D,C#,C,E,F,F#,G#


I just don't understand, tomorrow I'll solder a new coreboard, for an other project but I'll check if my buttons reacts the same, if it does I'll try your idea Marxon.

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Building a new coreboard won't solve this problem.


Just to check some basic thinks, please have a look into the schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4.pdf


Are you can see, the upper row counts from D7 to D4, and the lower row counts from D0 to D3 (reversed order).


Did you consider this?


This doesn't explain why you see a different order for the first SR, but I've the impression that you misinterpret something (which is hard to predict remotely with the given informations)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I think you're wright about building a new core won't solve the problem, cause the problem is in some basic (wiring) thing. But sometimes I get stuck and starting over again clears a lot.
When I first soldered my buttonboard, see picture, I soldered it wrong. My buttons were like 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7. So I re-soldered the first row and checked it again. Now it was good, so I copied the other rows. After I plugged them in I noticed the strange behaviour like I mentioned before. I thought I soldered it wrong again, so I attached button row 1, wich was good on SR1, to SR2 and it did the same strange mirror thing. So I'm quite shure the button rows are soldered correctly. I even tried to shortcut the pins from SR2 to ground and see what happens, and the mirror thing is still there.
That's why I started thinking I maybe changed the DIN pinout on the software side. But I guess that's not possible,I installed a new bootloader and formatted the SD Card, and the problem is still there with the new DEFAULT.NGC
Anyway thanks for your replies, I hope tomorrow will clear things up.

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I think you're wright about building a new core won't solve the problem, cause the problem is in some basic (wiring) thing. But sometimes I get stuck and starting over again clears a lot.
When I first soldered my buttonboard, see picture, I soldered it wrong. My buttons were like 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7. So I re-soldered the first row and checked it again. Now it was good, so I copied the other rows. After I plugged them in I noticed the strange behaviour like I mentioned before. I thought I soldered it wrong again, so I attached button row 1, wich was good on SR1, to SR2 and it did the same strange mirror thing. So I'm quite shure the button rows are soldered correctly. I even tried to shortcut the pins from SR2 to ground and see what happens, and the mirror thing is still there.
That's why I started thinking I maybe changed the DIN pinout on the software side. But I guess that's not possible,I installed a new bootloader and formatted the SD Card, and the problem is still there with the new DEFAULT.NGC
Anyway thanks for your replies, I hope tomorrow will clear things up.



in order to exclude a problem with the smashtv boards you could try to disconnect your button array and test each contact on the smash boards by using a jumper cable between ground and the individual DI pins, at the same time checking in MIOS studio that you get the expected button events.

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in order to exclude a problem with the smashtv boards you could try to disconnect your button array and test each contact on the smash boards by using a jumper cable between ground and the individual DI pins, at the same time checking in MIOS studio that you get the expected button events.


That's exactly what I did and ment by shortcutting the pins to ground. It had the same results, so I knew it wasn't just bad wiring.


But... problem solved!!!


I used 2 different DIN boards from SmashTV,  R3 and R5, they look exactly the same but they aren't! They have a different pinout, like in reverse.

So that's why my buttonboard was good first time (years ago), but after connecting it to a different DINx4 board the buttons react like 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7. 

I resoldered my buttonboard, then it was good again with a R3 board except for the strange mirroring on SR 2, 3 en 4.  Today I reconnect it to a  'new' R5 DINx4 board and my buttons react like 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7 again, but on all 4 shift registers the same, woha!!!

After beep testing the SmashTV R3 DINx4 board with my multimeter,  I found out that the labeling/pinout of D0,D1,D2,D3 of SR 2,3 and 4 is wrong (mirrored) on those boards.


All really confusing but I'm happy it's not just my stupidity.

Thanks for the replies!



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