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Connecting different pedals to AINSER8


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I ran into a little problem.


I use an AINSER8-module. I want to scan four switches (f.e. sustain) and four expression pedals. So I have eight jacks. All of them are stereo even if I don't use the stereo-feature for switches. I wired all "tip"-pins and all "shield"-pins together. Tip is 5V, shield is GND. For the switches I first connect the analog input and than connect the switch via a 1k resistor to GND. This works flawlessly.


For the expression pedals I thought I could use the "ring"-pins which is the wiper of a typical expression pedal. So I connected the analog inputs of the AINSER to the "ring"-pins. So for expression:

T - 5V

R - A0-A3



As I'm using switched-jacks I set up the connection like if nothing is connected to the jack, the analog input goes to ground to not create random values.


The problem is that I get a lot of jitter especially in the lower range. Not of the input I connected the potentiometer to, but from all the other jacks. Also of the sustain-jacks.


I than tried to connect the potentiometer to one of the sustain-jacks. It's working here but it doesn't go down to 0 and it doesn't go up to 127. Also it seems that the scale does not go linear. I use a pot with a center-detent. In the first half nearly nothing happens. But I have to say, that I didn't try to set a pinrange for the jacks yet.


Could you please tell me where my mistake is? I have no idea....


Thank you very much,


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I checked all connections and it seemed, that there was a mistake.


Anyway: Now I have another problem. I connected a pot to the AINSER. When turning it from 0 to 100% the values need two or three seconds to "follow" the pot. So it seems, that something slows the scan rate down. 


Any suggestions?

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