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SMD spots in PCB


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Hey I am collecting all the little bits left that I need to build my 6582 pcbs, its all coming together nicely.  I was looking at the PCB in detail last night and I noticed a few spots that look like places for SMD comonsnts to be soldered on, on the underside of the base PCB, maybe for a cap or resister?  I have seen no mention of SMD compnents but as I'm about to place my big mouser order for the components I need, I figure I would find out if I need any for those spaces?


OOOhhhhh, does anyone have a mouser part number for the expander port? I think it is a j45 d-sub thingy but have never actully sourced one of those before.


Cheers,  Baggins

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no SMD components are used - you might see those "vias" that connect the front side of the PCB to its backside?


The extension connector can be harvested from old mainboards, it is a 25 pin d-sub connection.

Here is more info:


Something like this should fit:



Enjoy the build and many greets!


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WICKED thanks Peter.  No thier Ait's Vias, I'll take a pic and post it when I'm back home, they are little square pads that have a small trace running between them.  Like little 0603 or 0805, not very big at all?  I thought it might be some cap or something that filters out nosie or something.  Anyway, it sounds as if I am looking TOOOOO HARD at stuff, but nothing worse than having everything to build, except a few tiny parts that total $1, but are $20 in shipping to get it to you!!!!!!!!!


Cant wait to build this!!!!!

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Oh forgot to send the pic, here is it sorry for my shitty iphone pic!  So if it is an 8 bit display, is that some cool upgrade or or downgrade.  I'm looking at this massive wall that is supposed to be a learning curve hahahahahah  I am planning on using this as display, looks prety sexy, just curious if there is some way better option or am I wasting time thinkin about it. :rolleyes:




---Crap. can't figure out how to UL and image---  OMG I feel really stupid right now.  Gotta get back to work, I'll figure it out later.

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Nevermind the upload :smile: - The 8-bit display lines are just for users wanting to connect their displays not in 4-bit mode, but in 8-bit mode (using 8 data lines for character transmission). In that case you will have to bridge a few SMD-type looking solder pads. It is neither better nor worse than the 4-bit display connection method, just different. You might need it, if you want to connect more exotic displays like certain OLEDs (all standard LCDs will work without touching these pads).


Many greets,



EDIT: The OLED you linked sure looks nice, and users have succeeded getting it to work (search the forums), but it may not work out of the box. Recommend to get a 4x20 LCD for the start instead.

Edited by Hawkeye
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Oh?!?!  OK thanks Pete, I had an LCD in my mouser cart, but my GURU engineering buddy who I bought these PCBs off of suggested the OLED display as it looks quite sexy.  I'll search the threads like you say.  I don't want to make this any harder for myself than needed.  I'm good at soldering and understanding basic analog stuff, but as soon as it gets into digital world I feel quite lost, so I'm hoping that this project helps me understand much better.


Thanks for always getting back, you must be an addict here I like am on Muff's


chat at ya later

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