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ENCODER Incrementer give me 1 & 4294967295 (SOLVED)


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was only a disply Format thing:

i used %u (unsigned int)  instead of %d (which is signed int)

see the code below: MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%u %d %u", encoder, incrementer, enc_value[0]);}




when i turn a ENCODER

left:   incrementer= 4294967295 (should be -1 ?) (this value i see on my LCD)

right: incrementer= 1 (no matter how fast i turn the encoder > that should encrease by faster turns? shouldńt it?



internet says: 4294967295 says that it may be a negative value  "-1" when i false declared the variable as unsigned (signed meens -1 is possible)

in the code below "s32 incrementer" s stand for "signed" i think...
& when i change to "u32 incrementer" (and in app.h also where it is definied), i still get the same "4294967295"

this is my stripped down CODE:

#include <mios32.h>
#include "app.h"
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>
#include <queue.h>
// Local definitions
// used MIDI port and channel (DEFAULT, USB0, UART0 or UART1)

//Set Encoder NR and Hardware-PIN-out
#define NUM_ENCODERS 5
const mios32_enc_config_t encoders[NUM_ENCODERS] = {//(SR begin with 1, ENC with 0)
  { .cfg.type=DETENTED2, .cfg.speed=FAST, .cfg.speed_par=2, .cfg.sr=1, .cfg.pos=0 },
  { .cfg.type=DETENTED2, .cfg.speed=FAST, .cfg.speed_par=2, .cfg.sr=1, .cfg.pos=2 },
  { .cfg.type=DETENTED2, .cfg.speed=FAST, .cfg.speed_par=2, .cfg.sr=5, .cfg.pos=0 },
  { .cfg.type=DETENTED2, .cfg.speed=FAST, .cfg.speed_par=2, .cfg.sr=5, .cfg.pos=2 },
  { .cfg.type=DETENTED2, .cfg.speed=SLOW, .cfg.speed_par=4, .cfg.sr=4, .cfg.pos=0 },};//Menue Encoder

s32 enc_value[5]= {0};

// Startup INIT
void APP_Init(void){
//initialize encoders
s32 i;
for(i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; ++i) MIOS32_ENC_ConfigSet(i, encoders[i]);


//Encoder Moved?
void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){
// increment to virtual position and ensure that the value is in range 0..127
s32 value = enc_value[encoder] + incrementer;
if(value < 0){value = 0;}
if(value > 127){value = 127;}
enc_value[encoder] = value;

MIOS32_LCD_Clear();         // clear screen
MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0); // X,Y  
MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%u %u %u", encoder, incrementer, enc_value[0]);}

I have worked thru the tutorials, >>> i only need 5 Encoders, on different PINs, so i have to declare they by hand and not with a FOR Loop over all Shiftregisters.... this is because i dont use the Tutorial code.

Edited by Phatline
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