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Questions regarding the future "MIDIbox SEQ V4 Plus" firmware, STM32F4 board and building the damn thing in general


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So after four years today I finally bit the bullet and ordered a SEQ CS PCB and a LPC17 core board. I started doubting this decision soon after as I bumped into something only mystically refered as "the future MIDIbox SEQ V4 Plus firmware", which apparently requires the newer STM32F4 board to function. I guess I could still try to change my order to get the STM32F4 board instead, but here's what's on the top of my mind:


Is it worth it? When will it be available? Where can I find more info? Constructing a MBSEQ with the LPC17 board seems so much easier because it seems to have all the needed connections on the board itself. If I decide to go with the STM32F4 board, what boards do I need for external connectors? MBHP_ETH goes for ethernet, MIDI I/O modules for MIDI ins and outs, but what for USB and SD card slot? What about the CV/Gates port? Is it really needed if I don't have analog gear? What's the difference with MIDI I/O board and quad IIc_MIDI board? Can I install a BLM without the IIc_MIDI board?


After I acquire all the needed boards; am I able to cram them all inside the case? I'll be using the acrylic case designed by smokestacksproductions. I read somewhere that fitting everything in a Heidenreich case is a bit tricky. I'd like to hear also some tips on how to attach the boards on the bottom part of the case. I've seen some pictures with hot glue and spacers.


If anyone has build a MBSEQ with these hardware specs, I'd be happy to hear about your solutions and to see pictures of the insides.


Any answers are appreciated. Thanks!

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Go ahead and build the LPC core.  You can always switch cores later, and you could use the LPC core for some other project.  The SEQ firmware hasn't forked yet - the current firmware works on both cores.


Or, you could build the STM32F4 core now if you want.


> Is it worth it? When will it be available? Where can I find more info?


maybe, now, midibox-shop.com


> If I decide to go with the STM32F4 board, what boards do I need for external connectors?


MBHP_ETH for ethernet, but only if you need ethernet - it's not required if you don't need ethernet.  MIDI I/O module(s) for MIDI ins and outs.


> What for USB and SD card slot?


They're built onto the core board.


> What about the CV/Gates port? Is it really needed if I don't have analog gear?


No. But if you need CV, use an AOUT_NG, if you need gates use a DOUT.


> What's the difference with MIDI I/O board and quad IIc_MIDI board?


For one, the Quad IIc board is blue, while the MIDI I/O board is black.  If you're using the STM core, build the MIDI I/O board.  The IIc board will work on either the LPC or STM cores.


> Can I install a BLM without the IIc_MIDI board?



Edited by borfo
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Thank you borfo for your reply. Here's what I'd like to ask further more:



> Is it worth it? When will it be available? Where can I find more info?


maybe, now, midibox-shop.com


Sorry, I was maybe a bit blurry with this part. I actually wanted to know more about the upcoming "Plus" firmware, but I'm taking that only a few select people know anything about it at this point. Still I'd like to know if all this extra hardware hassle is worth for the upcoming features.



MBHP_ETH for ethernet, but only if you need ethernet - it's not required if you don't need ethernet.  MIDI I/O module(s) for MIDI ins and outs.


Could I replace the MBHP_ETH with this: http://store.gadgetfactory.net/ethernet-module/



> What for USB and SD card slot?


They're built onto the core board.


Could you tell me more how the external USB connection is made from the board? Is the internal connection on the

On the matter of USB, is USB power sufficient? Anything I need to take in consideration if I power the whole device only via USB?
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from what I understand, the "Plus" part doesn't have a release date, but the SEQ V4 is updated/improved constantly


I don't get the "extra hardware hassle"

From my point of view the STM32F4 core is an easier build, and having the MIDI ins/outs on a separate board is better

The USB connection is on the DISCOVERY board, Micro USB directly over the SD card on the Core 


To power the SEQ V4 through the USB cable, you should have a USB Hub with external power

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Thanks for the reply, eptheca.


I don't get the "extra hardware hassle"

From my point of view the STM32F4 core is an easier build, and having the MIDI ins/outs on a separate board is better


Initially I thought that the newer board would be much more harder to install, but the more I research the board the more I realize that it's not really a big deal.


I noticed from your recent thread that you seem to be building (or atleast planning) a SEQ V4 with a STM32F4 board. I'd like to hear from you why you've chosen a MIDI I/O module and a quad IIC_MIDI module instead of just two MIDI I/O modules? What housing are you planning on?

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While I still have a small spotlight, I'd like to thank everyone who answered and I'd like to special thank TK who's done a invaluable job to the SDIY community with his Midibox hardware, and who still to this day is bringing us something like Plus firmwares, even though from time to time random idiots appear on this forum asking if they are "worth it"... :queen:

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