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OSC - how to integrate in own application


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A lot information:


but no information how to make a custom program, except this tutorial: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F028_osc%2F


there are differnt modules out there , because i have to begin anywhare, lets start with the osc_client:



lets try to send a nrpn, what say the "documentation":

s32 OSC_CLIENT_SendNRPNEvent (u8 osc_port, u8 chn, u16 nrpn_number, u16 nrpn_value)


aha, so then stripped down::

#include <uip_task.h>
#include <osc_client.h>

void APP_Init(void){

OSC_CLIENT_SendNRPNEvent (7001, 0, 1, 127); //port, chn, nr, value

compiler returns:


app.c:52:1: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]

- what is no surprise  since the port is declared as u8 (0-256) - when i want to use port 7001 ---what brings me to the first question why ist the port declared as u8? --- or maybe there is no network port meant? - like in the tutorial: maybe meant OSC0 OSC1 OSC2


I cant find any Word like receive or observe - how to receive/listen to a port/ip?

>>> Maybe i have to use the OSC_CLIENT as a Function inside the main.c? (simular use like the DIN or Midi-notifcation function?) it looks like the midi-notificaton-function do this job by putting OSC0 as port out instead of UART or USB...



Network connection with deafault Network configuration:

Before Connect a Core LPC17 with code from above:






MDNS Port 5353



1second after connection a Core LPC17 with code from above:




ip6-allnodes ff02::1



MDNS Port 5353




4second after connection a Core LPC17 with code from above:




ip6-allnodes ff02::1




MDNS Port 5353


BOOTPS Port 67

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its that:

i can learn in Tutorial 28 that some Functions do the job for you, OSC_CLIENT_SendMIDIEvent(3, midi_package); - is that what you learn.

But bevore the connections should be initalized or setupd. in this case #include "presets.h" has the data in it, and with Mios-Studio it could be setuped and stored in the preset file (as far i understand that...).

but whats about if i dont want to have this preset file, and i dont want to use mios studio, in fact i want to fix the Adresses, to keep my application compact.

So i take a look into "terminal.c" where all that Mios-Studio stuff happens... but here its getting complicated, since the whole thing is done for terminal work - and this terminal.c is not made for newbees, it looks like i missed some basics... i only learn them when i need them (elswhere i cant connect the dots) but i cant identfiy what i have to learn

take a look what i have done:

#include <mios32.h>
#include "app.h"
#include "uip.h"
#include <uip_task.h>
#include <osc_client.h>
#include "terminal.h"
void APP_Init(void)
  // init terminal
   //Connection Setup
   UIP_TASK_IP_AddressSet(0,0,0,0);//app.c:17:16: error: too many decimal points in number       Host IP-Adress?
   uip_ipaddr1(; //pointer?  app.c:17:16: error: too many decimal points in number
   uip_ipaddr2(; //pointer?  app.c:17:16: error: too many decimal points in numberor     should they all be the same - the UIP_TASK_IP_ADress maybe?   
   uip_ipaddr2(; //pointer?  app.c:17:16: error: too many decimal points in number
   uip_ipaddr2(; //pointer?  app.c:17:16: error: too many decimal points in number
   UIP_TASK_NetmaskSet(; //           error: too many decimal points in number
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(4,; //        error: too many decimal points in number       connections, IP
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(0, 1000); //connection, port
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(1, 1001);
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(2, 1002);  
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(3, 1002);  
   OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet(0,  1000); //connection 0-3? those Remote Port? i dont understand that - this is most confuzing,
   OSC_CLIENT_TransferModeSet(1, 0); //selected_osc_con, ocfg_value
   UIP_TASK_GatewaySet(1.1); //ip
   UIP_TASK_UDP_MonitorLevelSet(1); //outputs data to Mios-Studio ---0 turn off //dont needed anymore if the Network setup is correct...just mess the usb bus..
void APP_Background(void){}
void APP_Tick(void){}
void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){}
void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){
    MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);    
    MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%u %u %u", port, midi_package.chn, midi_package.type);
s32 APP_SYSEX_Parser(mios32_midi_port_t port, u8 midi_in){return 0;}
void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){}
void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){}
void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){
OSC_CLIENT_SendNRPNEvent (0, 8, pin, pin_value);} //port, chn, nr, value;}
void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){}
void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){}

Question 1: no matter if i want to write a IP like or a SubNetMast like i get: "error to many decimal points in number" -- that says  i should write a number here? but is not a number - i understand but how to write it correct? confuzing..


Question 2: what do the server? do i need this once in setup? or is every Midibox a server? ANSWER: Any application that sends OSC Packets is an OSC Client; any application that receives OSC Packets is an OSC Server

So a midibox that sends and receives is an server & client > thats what the OSC-Specifications says: .found @ http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0


Question 3: Do I have to setup all Midiboxes the same? except the local port?


Question4:In Follwoing article, are 2 connections between 2 midiboxes http://ucapps.de/midibox_osc.html >


we assume that MIDIbox A has IP address, and MIDIbox B the IP address
Configure MIDIbox A to send to MIDIbox B:

set osc_remote 1 set osc_remote_port 1 10000 set osc_local_port 1 10001 set osc_mode 1 0 set osc_remote 2 set osc_remote_port 2 10002 set osc_local_port 2 10003 set osc_mode 2 0
And configure MIDIbox B to send to MIDIbox A:
set osc_remote 1 set osc_remote_port 1 10001 set osc_local_port 1 10000 set osc_mode 1 0 set osc_remote 2 set osc_remote_port 2 10003 set osc_local_port 2 10002 set osc_mode 2 0

just to understand the whole concept:

Midibox A Setup:

Remote 1:  1000

Local_port 1:            1001

Remote 2:  1002

Local_port 2:            1003


Midibox B Setup:

Remote 1:  1001

Local_port 1:            1000

Remote 2:  1003

Local_port 2:            1002


so every Device has its own ip, the Port are swapping,

but why i need two of them?

why Remote 2?

Is this just to say "hey you can take to ports @ the same time?"


Remote means - that this is the client/send-Port?

Local means - that this ist the Server/receive-Port?


How to write that code in my code example above?


What happens if i use more then 2 Devices, If i use 4 or more  Devices that share data?


The local port is the one which receives OSC datagrams from any IP. It's allowed to set the local port to the same number as the remote port if your application requires this.

the one that receives from any ip - and forces "void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage" ? or where i can acces that osc datagram, by Midi_Notify_Package - as far as i see i get UART... and OSC0-3 (these have a definied ip, its not any?)

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i thought maybe the IP-Set and NetMask set needs a pointer, so i tried this:

#include <mios32.h>
#include "app.h"
#include "uip.h"
#include <uip_task.h>
#include <osc_client.h>
#include "terminal.h"
//set Device IP
u32 deviceIP[4] = {1, 2, 3 ,4};
u32 *deviceIPpointer;

//set UIP_TASK_Netmask
u32 Netmask[4] = {255,255,255,0};
u32 *NetmaskPointer;

void APP_Init(void)
  // init terminal
   //Set Pointer

   //Connection Setup
   UIP_TASK_IP_AddressSet(1.1);  //Host IP-Adress
   //uip_ipaddr1(; //pointer?
   //uip_ipaddr2(2); //pointer?
   //uip_ipaddr2(3); //pointer?
   //uip_ipaddr2(4); //pointer
   NetmaskPointer = Netmask;
   deviceIPpointer = deviceIP;
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, deviceIPpointer); //connections, IP
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(1, 5001); //connection 0-3, port
   OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet(1, 5000); //connection 0-3, port
   OSC_CLIENT_TransferModeSet(1, 0); //selected_osc_con, ocfg_value
   UIP_TASK_GatewaySet(1.1); //ip
   UIP_TASK_UDP_MonitorLevelSet(1); //outputs data to Mios-Studio ---0 turn off



give me back: app.c:32:4: warning: passing argument 1 of 'UIP_TASK_NetmaskSet' makes integer from pointer without a cast [enabled by default]


ok it dont needs a pointer, ...it takes a singel integer...maybe i have to write the 001. instead of 1.? lets have a try:

I want IP adress for Connection 1 (0-3), I write it witouts points:

OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, 001000000000); //connections, IP

The System Command in Mios-Studio give me back: [9996.317] OSC2 Remote address:

from 001000000000 to ??? what goes on...
OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, 008000000000); //connections, IP

give me back: app.c:34:31: error: invalid digit "8" in octal constant


octal constant? whats that...ask google: ohh deep in wonderland...if i write bevore a number a 0 it is a treated as a octal constant by the compiler...

so lets try: with that converter: http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/decimal-to-octal-converter 150 Decimal gets 226 octal... lets try this

OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, 0226000000000)

give me back:       app.c:34:4: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]


 ok ok, but

010 octal                is    8 decimal

001000000000 is

since 0 stand for octal, i dont write the zero:

010.... AHA ok lets try a different ip:

OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, 001002003004); //  

since 0-7 octal = 0-7 decimal it should output


pffffff ok wrong direction... i go to bed now..



...ok cant sleep, back again:

001000000000 =

0010 = 8 so should be

0010 0010 0010 0010? lets try > 0010001000100010

no: app.c:34:4: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]




0100010001000100 > warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]  > 0100 0100 0100 0100 > thougt that would bring me ... but nope

10010010010           > warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]

0010010010010       >

010010010010         >


try to analyze this:

64 dec = 100 octal  > looks right since 0 100 100 100 10

32 dec = 40 octal no sense

16 dec = 20 octal

8 dec = 10 octal      > looks right since 0 100 100 100 10


hm lets try this:

0 100010 >     10oct =    8dec, but 128?---no clue

0 10010   >

0 1010     >   >    10oct =    8dec,   but 2?--- no clue

0 110       > > 110oct =  72dec

0 10         >   >   10oct =    8dec


no that makes no sense,

try out the binary 64:

01000000 >   >>> hmm 64.... 4? happy accident? lets try the binary 128

010000000 > --- no clue.... maybe without zero (dont declare it as octal)

10000000 > ....ähm --- the first ip adress....ok what happens if i simply write the decimal 128:

128 >


ok maybe i missunderstand the word connections... and i have to do this:

   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(0, 128);
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, 128);
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(2, 128);
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(3, 128);

nope give me [16184.888] OSC4 Remote address: 4times... connections are connections and not numbers in the ip.... hmmmm wahhh


hm maybe the Server needs some spacing between the integers:

   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(0, 128/128/128/128);  

nope give me


ok 128128128128 and ignoring the "large integer...." >>> [16505.159] OSC1 Remote address:  >>> no clue


ok then have a look again in the OSC_SERVER - where i dont understand anything...go to that IP_Set..:

s32 OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(u8 con, u32 ip){
    return -1; // invalid connection

  osc_remote_ip[con] = ip;
#if 0
  return OSC_SERVER_Init(0);
  return 0; // OSC_SERVER_Init(0) has to be called after all settings have been done

hm it can be only that: "osc_remote_ip[con] = ip"

ip is the input that i wan to set from my application...thats what i try and try and try...here it stands it want a u32 integer... so the only variable that i say that could tell me what is going on is  "osc_remote_ip" seek this:

// TODO: variable initialisation contains hardcoded dependency to OSC_SERVER_NUM_CONNECTIONS!


what? ok ok... this is a arry with variable size, and its initalized 4times with the same Variable/Value.... ähm ok a idea:

 OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(4, 128, 128, 128, 128);  >>>> nope ...that isnt it again... ok seek more in osc_remote_ip:

  for(con=0; con<OSC_SERVER_NUM_CONNECTIONS; ++con) {
    uip_ipaddr_t ripaddr;
               ((osc_remote_ip[con])>>24) & 0xff,
               ((osc_remote_ip[con])>>16) & 0xff,
               ((osc_remote_ip[con])>> 8) & 0xff,
               ((osc_remote_ip[con])>> 0) & 0xff);

ok i have seen this bevore... bevore i testetd all this.. i testet all this because i dont understand that... i have googled what the & 0xff is (it some "to be shure that nobody make mess with variable declaration like u8 u16" or so thing - dont know i think it dont matter

with this for thing it looks like a modem dial mechanismus.... this"ripaddr" looks a pointer the uip_ipaddr_t like an structure...hm idea i did not try a structure... but i must to bed, a quick look into structure -tutorials (again, looked in structure about 10 times dont understand it anytime)  ...nope i dont learn that today





ok take a look again in the terminal.c found this:

    if( OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(con, ip) >= 0 ) {
          out("Set OSC%d Remote address to %d.%d.%d.%d",
              (ip>>24)&0xff, (ip>>16)&0xff, (ip>>8)&0xff, (ip>>0)&0xff);

what take my interest is that >>24 >>16 >>8 >>0 thing - that could be the wright direction >> google says: >> used for BIT-FLAGS... ok with the test results from above that could be really the way to go!

but thats some good night lecture for tomorrow: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13740/The-Beginner-s-Guide-to-Using-Enum-Flags

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OK we testet out that this command OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(0, 10000000) results to

we bitshift 24 16 8 0, with that online calculator http://www.miniwebtool.com/bitwise-calculator/bit-shift/?data_type=10&number=0010010010010++&place=24&operator=Shift+Right (hopefully i handle that thing right) or this one http://www.convertalot.com/bitwise_operators.html

10000000dec >> 24 = 0       right

10000000dec >> 16 = 152   right

10000000dec >> 8 = 39062 false (should be 150)

10000000dec >> 0 = 10000000 false!!!! (should be 128)    but: 128 in binary is 10000000



decimal >> 24

decimal >> 16

decimal ??????

decimal = decimal


but how to combine that?.... i must assume that I CANT CHANGE THE IP the way i like . POINT. dont waste my live time for that anymore... - no osc. point.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Connect one Midibox to a nother Midibox via LAN-Router - want to have bidirectional Transfair of data.

When i enable DHCP, the local ip adress and the netmask will be automaticly set by the router - right.


but for OSC i need a remote IP-Adress (the local ip adress of second Midibox) but when it i enable dhcp - i dont know what the ip adress is- and visa versa ... the only thing is that i can swap ports ...


so for my understanding the DHCP cant be used, since we dont have something like a DNS server that says: hey i am midibox NR1, and hey i am midibox NR2 and i have IP this and that-ok lets get together - yea right...

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#include <mios32.h>
#include "app.h"
#include <uip_task.h>
#include <osc_client.h>
#include "terminal.h"
#include "uip.h"

void APP_Init(void){
   MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS (65000);  //wait 0.06seconds...
   MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS (65000);  //wait 0.06seconds...
   UIP_TASK_IP_AddressSet(       128);      
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(0,    127); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1,    127); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(2,    127); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(3,    127); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(0, 5000); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(1, 5002); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(2, 5004); 
   OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(3, 5006);  
   OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 0, 5001); 
   OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 1, 5001); 
   OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 2, 5001); 
   OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 3, 5001); 

   UIP_TASK_UDP_MonitorLevelSet(3); //outputs data to Mios-Studio ---0 turn off
   MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("init done");  

void APP_Background(void){}
void APP_Tick(void){}
void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){}

void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){
	MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);   
	MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%u %u %u", port, midi_package.chn, midi_package.type);

s32 APP_SYSEX_Parser(mios32_midi_port_t port, u8 midi_in){return 0;}
void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){}
void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){}

void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){
OSC_CLIENT_SendNRPNEvent (0, 8, pin, pin_value);} //port, chn, nr, value;}

void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){}
void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){}

but since i cant change the netmask (because on my computer it is not this dont work in my network


now my resultats > for Linux type into terminal "ifconfig" (yes iF)


eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:NO:WA:YM:AN

          inet Adresse:ni.x.g.ibts  Bcast:oi.da.sp.in  Maske:

          inet6-Adresse: kriegstsichanet Gültigkeitsbereich:Verbindung


          RX-Pakete:186799 Fehler:0 Verloren:0 Ãœberläufe:0 Fenster:0

          TX-Pakete:158764 Fehler:0 Verloren:0 Ãœberläufe:0 Träger:0

          Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:1000

          RX-Bytes:269544579 (269.5 MB)  TX-Bytes:12100039 (12.1 MB)


lo        Link encap:Lokale Schleife  

          inet Adresse:  Maske:

          inet6-Adresse: ::1/128 Gültigkeitsbereich:Maschine

          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65xxx  Metrik:1

          RX-Pakete:2687 Fehler:0 Verloren:0 Ãœberläufe:0 Fenster:0

          TX-Pakete:2687 Fehler:0 Verloren:0 Ãœberläufe:0 Träger:0

          Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:0

          RX-Bytes:253470 (253.4 KB)  TX-Bytes:253470 (253.4 KB)



now MioStudio-Terminal:


[14208.778] system

[14208.777] Application: Tutorial #028

[14208.777] Ethernet module connected: yes

[14208.777] Ethernet services running: yes

[14208.777] DHCP: disabled

[14208.777] IP address:

[14208.777] Netmask:

[14208.777] Default Router (Gateway):

[14208.777] OSC1 Remote address:

[14208.777] OSC1 Remote port: 5000

[14208.778] OSC1 Local port: 5001

[14208.778] OSC2 Remote address:

[14208.778] OSC2 Remote port: 5002

[14208.778] OSC2 Local port: 5001

[14208.778] OSC3 Remote address:

[14208.778] OSC3 Remote port: 5004

[14208.778] OSC3 Local port: 5001

[14208.779] OSC4 Remote address:

[14208.796] OSC4 Remote port: 5006

[14208.796] OSC4 Local port: 5001

[14208.797] UDP Monitor: verbose level #3


now when i press a DIN-Button - the router-activity port leds lighting up and mios terminal print:


[14470.460] [uDP:OSC_SEND] to from port 0 (32 bytes)

[14470.463] 00000000  2F 6D 69 64 69 31 00 00 2C 6D 6D 6D 6D 00 00 00  /midi1..,mmmm...

[14470.463] 00000010  B8 63 00 00 B8 62 12 00 B8 06 00 00 B8 26 01 00  .c...b.......&..


but like i said cant use that.

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