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chords with aout ng & seq v4 config : multi cv operation


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I'm trying to understand how to configure correctly my seq v4 when It works with a chord-track and aout ng for poly cv operation.


my actual setting is :


1) track config page (menu+gp2)  : mode set to chord

                                                        port set to aout channel 1

2) I set a A chord on the track ( = C E G notes)


will I have CV1= C

                 CV2= E

                 CV3= G

Or is there something to do to be able to play chords with my 3 analogs vcos ?

Another solution could be to use 3 tracks of a group ( i.e = G1T1 for the first note of the chord, G1T2 for the second note and G1T3 for the third one) and to set first track for CV1, second=CV2, third=CV3 ?




best regards




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hello Cosmosuave,

thank you for your reply, no doubt now!


I'm not a programmer but it would be fine to have the possibility to do that.


I.e : in the menu page = track event configuration (menu+gp2) if you choose to play chords + out = AOUT then Aout CV1= 1 note of the chord, CV2= 2nd note of the chord and CV3=third note of the chord


Easy to say, but not so easy to do :shifty:

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How well is your scaling on the AOUT? Mine was not so good to my Darkenergy so I switched up to midi input...

It's a work in progress, I really want to be free from an external midi to cv interface...

I'll try to do some measures this week with the AOUT NG and put the result here.

I've bought the Aout max525  from Rosch and as soon as possible I'll test it to compare.

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