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CORE_LPC17 Module Instructions Help


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Hi Everyone!


Yesterday I finished assembling my LPC17 PCB. Now I am ready to install the MIOS32 Bootloader, but I'm having trouble with the instructions on: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_lpc17.html


I installed LPCxpresso IDE 5.2.6 on my Windows 7 box and activated it. Then I selected the New Project option in the lower left pane, then select FreeRTOS Project under LPC175x_6x, hit next, enter a project name, then select LPC1769. I then click Finish and a project is created. 


The next step says "Click on the small "Program Flash" icon". The problem is that this button stays grayed out, no matter what I select.


Any ideas how to get past this step?





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