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it is inpired by the work of Andreas Körber and his "WortKraftSchwingung"


Input: Midi notes

Output1: DMX R-G-B values

Destination1: RGBW-LED-PAR.

Output2: LFO Audio Output 4 Bodyshacker


a standart audio setup with a Midi-Sound-Synthesizer which is tuned to a specific frequency, a=430-445hz

this tuning has to be set in the Converter-Software, because the converter gets only notes not frequencys...



switched to STM32F4

Stairville LEDPAR36 - RGBW-LED-PAR



Converting Idea:

is to octave the sound frequency as long we see it... since all octaves are sounding great...and some greater...the visible frequency then maybe also...and anyway - its a cool effect on stage.


so what has to be calculated?

we have hearable-sound-frequency in Herz [hz]

we want to calculate the Visible color frequency in NanoMeter [nm]



for example:


1. a note produce a sound of 100hz:

float midi[127] = {}; //represent Midinote 0-127 - and its value is a Frequency in [hz]
u32 actualnote = 69; // where 69 is A3 named A (which is tuned with "tuning" Variable above)
s32 notecount = 0; // only a counter variable to calculate the note frequencys.
float tuning = 431; //represent the tuning of "Kammerton A3"

for (notecount = 0; notecount < 127; ++notecount) //calculte all 127 notes and frequencys
{midi[notecount] = tuning * pow(2, (float)(notecount - 69)/12);}

midi[actualnote] ///(=outputs the Frequency in [hz] for the actual played note

2. calculate the visible octave of 100hz

    & divide lightspeed by that frequency

      (hz*42th octave) / 10^12 =THz   >>>>   (100hz*2^42)/10^12 = 439.804THz

       lightspeed/THz=nm                     >>>>   299792,458/439.804 = 681.640nm


float nm;
long thz;

thz = ( (midi[actualnote] * pow(2, 42) ) / 1000000000000);
nm = 299792.458 / (float)thz;

is the result not in the visible Spectrum > not between 790 and 390nm? whats then?:::

i figured out that D2-D3 is the visible octave (midi nr 42 - 54)

@431hz A3 tuning:

F2=753nm, F3=376nm


is it under 42?

+12 notes until it is above or equal F2, how many octaves?>how many change the whithe LED-Level....

is it above 53?

-12 notes until it is under or equal F3, how many octaves?>how many change the whithe LED-Level....:::

     //transpose the note to the visible Octave (NoteNr41-53) and save the octave Nr for further LED-White Parameters.
     octaveCOUNT = 4; //4 is the visible octave
     visiblenote = midinote;
     if (midinote < 42) {visiblenote = midinote + 12; --octaveCOUNT; // below visible octave?
         if (visiblenote < 42) {visiblenote = visiblenote + 12; --octaveCOUNT;
             if (visiblenote < 42) {visiblenote = visiblenote + 12; --octaveCOUNT;        
                 if (visiblenote < 42) {visiblenote = visiblenote + 12; --octaveCOUNT; }}}}    
     if (midinote > 54) {visiblenote = midinote - 12; ++octaveCOUNT; //above visible octave
         if (visiblenote > 54) {visiblenote = visiblenote - 12; ++octaveCOUNT;
             if (visiblenote > 54) {visiblenote = visiblenote - 12; ++octaveCOUNT;        
                 if (visiblenote > 54) {visiblenote = visiblenote - 12; ++octaveCOUNT;
                     if (visiblenote > 54) {visiblenote = visiblenote - 12; ++octaveCOUNT;
                         if (visiblenote > 54) {visiblenote = visiblenote - 12; ++octaveCOUNT;}}}}}}   



3. RGBW Calculation

no matter which we use i have to offset the code with the real world the "RGB-LED-Spot" 

we cant speak of a exact octaved visible Light colour... but maybe we fade in a range +-hz

so your mind find the correct colour itself....like a detuned unisono synth---there are frequencys sometimes that sounds great...


the other thing is: Frequencys below 400 are UV... a UV-LED-DMX light would do the job... maybe i get me one once the dam DMX-Code thing is done.

//MIX WHITE Light to the RGB, by using the Octaves, you may turn of that feature if you dont want.
      if      (octaveCOUNT == 0) {RGBWnm[3] =   0;}
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 1) {RGBWnm[3] =  28;}    
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 2) {RGBWnm[3] =  57;}  
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 3) {RGBWnm[3] =  85;}           
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 4) {RGBWnm[3] = 110;}    
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 5) {RGBWnm[3] = 138;}         
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 6) {RGBWnm[3] = 166;}    
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 7) {RGBWnm[3] = 194;}         
      else if (octaveCOUNT == 8) {RGBWnm[3] = 222;}    
      else if (octaveCOUNT >= 9) {RGBWnm[3] = 255;}  
      //WHITE OFFSET:      
      RGBWdmx[3] = RGBWnm[3] -(RGBWenc[3]) ;  
      //convert [nm] 2 [RGB] --- the GAMMA is not calculatet so - the colors @ end of spectrum are static...but they
      //have to fade out....
      if      (nm < 380) {RGBWnm[0] = 0;    //if it is no visible spectrum
                          RGBWnm[1] = 0;
                          RGBWnm[2] = 12;}  //a UV-Source has alternativly to be activated
      if      (nm > 780) {RGBWnm[0] = 12;   //a IR source has alternativly to be activated
                          RGBWnm[1] = 0;
                          RGBWnm[2] = 0;}                                        
      else if (nm >= 380 && nm < 440) {RGBWnm[0] = ((-(nm - 440.) / (440. - 380.))*255);
                                       RGBWnm[1] = 0;
                                       RGBWnm[2] = 255;}
      else if (nm >= 440 && nm < 490) {RGBWnm[0] = 0;
                                       RGBWnm[1] = (( (nm - 440.) / (490. - 440.))*255);
                                       RGBWnm[2] = 255;}
      else if (nm >= 490 && nm < 510) {RGBWnm[0] = 0;
                                       RGBWnm[1] = 255;
                                       RGBWnm[2] = ((-(nm - 510.) / (510. - 490.))*255); }   
      else if (nm >= 510 && nm < 580) {RGBWnm[0] = (( (nm - 510.) / (580. - 510.))*255);
                                       RGBWnm[1] = 255;
                                       RGBWnm[2] = 0;}                                        
      else if (nm >= 580 && nm < 645) {RGBWnm[0] = 255;
                                       RGBWnm[1] = ((-(nm - 645.) / (645. - 580.))*255);
                                       RGBWnm[2] = 0;}    
      else if (nm >= 645 && nm < 780) {RGBWnm[0] = 255;
                                       RGBWnm[1] = 0;
                                       RGBWnm[2] = 0;}   


4. Sending DMX Values

when we have the RGB-Values we send it via DMX to a RGB-LED, by adapting this code:


& studying this code:



void APP_Background(void){ 
  // endless loop
  while(1) { for (count=0;count<4;count++)
             { if (RGBWdmx[count]!=RGBWenc[count]) //if something has changed - send the value via DMX!
               {   RGBWdmx[count]=RGBWenc[count];

that was not the complicated thing... the complicatect comes now!

Edited by Phatline
Posted (edited)


the code which i cant compile if i activate the DMX functions: note2light-withDMX.zip


Connect a 3 Pole- XLR-DMX-Connector to a LPC17 board: >>>J4B??? << I moved to STM32F4

Connect a 3 Pole- XLR-DMX-Connector to a STM32 board: >>>J4B???

do i need a IIC-Module? (RS485) >>> phil A other guy says that the voltage from lo to hi is a bit low... so it would only whith short cables... (a few meters...)


is following pinout correct?: << I moved to STM32F4, but still dont know how to connect.


under "dmx.h" there is the pinout for the DMX-Port  definied:

#define DMX_TX_PORT     GPIOA
#define DMX_TX_PIN      GPIO_Pin_9
#define DMX_RX_PORT     GPIOA
#define DMX_RX_PIN      GPIO_Pin_10
#define DMX             USART1
#define DMX_IRQHANDLER_FUNC void USART1_IRQHandler(void)

The LPC17-core describtion says: <<<I moved to STM32F4

J4B      A second IIC port, which can also be used as an additional MIDI IN/OUT port (MIDI IN4/OUT4) if enabled in MIOS32 (add "#define MIOS32_UART_NUM 4" to the mios32_config.h file).
MIDI IN4 will be available on the J4B.SC. If a 6N138 based optocoupler circuit should be connected, replace the 2.2k pull-up R10 by 1k, or add a second 2.2k in parallel to get 1.1k effectively.
MIDI OUT4 will be available on the J4B.SD pin, it isn't required to remove R9 if already soldered - it doesn't hurt.


The STM32F4 core describtion says:

J4B: Two IIC ports. Interface to BankSticks or to MBHP_IIC_* modules like MBHP_IIC_MIDI.


I could use then J4B? > MIOS32_UART_NUM 4?

dmx.h is talking about RX, TX while a 3pole-DMX-XLR-Connector  is symetric: Mass and - and +.

and do i have to change this lines to something like that?:
#define DMX_TX_PORT     GPIOA
#define DMX_TX_PIN      GPIO_Pin_10
#define DMX_RX_PORT     GPIOA
#define DMX_RX_PIN      GPIO_Pin_11
#define DMX             USART4
#define DMX_IRQHANDLER_FUNC void USART4_IRQHandler(void)

phils mios32 config: he disable uart...and disable with that midi of the whole board? can i workaround that?

#ifndef _MIOS32_CONFIG_H
#define _MIOS32_CONFIG_H
#define MIOS32_DONT_USE_UART   // For now disable UART as we will be using DMX
#endif /* _MIOS32_CONFIG_H */


my mios32 config: i need midi becaue notes triggering events... ---disable uart4 by Assigment 0 make the same? or 2 > com?

#ifndef _MIOS32_CONFIG_H
#define _MIOS32_CONFIG_H
#define MIOS32_USE_MIDI
#define MIOS32_USE_UART
#define MIOS32_UART_NUM 4
#define MIOS32_UART0_ASSIGNMENT 1 //1=Midi, 0= Disabled, 2= COM
#endif /* _MIOS32_CONFIG_H */
Edited by Phatline
Posted (edited)

I use now STM32F4 ... but still compiling error

the orginal DMX code was written for a STM32F1 (i think that was i read...) but that board i dont have @ home

so i switched my setup to a     CORE_STM32F4... in the hope that it would run  on it... No it dont compile.


how ever my test-code >>note2light-withDMX.zip << with the DMX-Parts activatet - which give me following compiling errors:

make (im Verzeichnis: /home/tekkstar/c/note2light)
rm -f project.hex
Creating object file for app.c
app.c:21:1: warning: 'bitband' attribute directive ignored [-Wattributes]
 } __attribute__((bitband)) my_struct;
Creating object file for dmx.c
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/modules/dmx/dmx.c: In function 'DMX_Init':
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/modules/dmx/dmx.c:65:34: error: 'GPIO_Mode_AF_PP' undeclared (first use in this function)
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/modules/dmx/dmx.c:65:34: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/modules/dmx/dmx.c:69:34: error: 'GPIO_Mode_IPU' undeclared (first use in this function)
   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU;
Kompilierung fehlgeschlagen.
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/include/makefile/common.mk:160: recipe for target 'project_build//home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/modules/dmx/dmx.o' failed
make: *** [project_build//home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/modules/dmx/dmx.o] Error 1


-for controll this is my code without DMX-Code in it:>> note2light-withoutDMX.zip<<




by the way when i try to compile examples/dmx - code i got following compiling errors:

make (im Verzeichnis: /home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/apps/examples/dmx)
rm -f project.hex
Creating object file for startup_stm32f4xx.c
Creating object file for mios32_bsl.c
Creating object file for mios32_sys.c
Creating object file for mios32_irq.c
Creating object file for mios32_spi.c
Creating object file for mios32_i2s.c
Creating object file for mios32_board.c
Creating object file for mios32_timer.c
Creating object file for mios32_stopwatch.c
Creating object file for mios32_delay.c
Creating object file for mios32_ain.c
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.c: In function 'DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler':
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.c:583:25: error: 'GPIO_TypeDef' has no member named 'BSRR'
     MIOS32_AIN_MUX0_PORT->BSRR = (mux_value & (1 << 0)) ? MIOS32_AIN_MUX0_PIN : (MIOS32_AIN_MUX0_PIN<<16);
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.c:586:25: error: 'GPIO_TypeDef' has no member named 'BSRR'
     MIOS32_AIN_MUX1_PORT->BSRR = (mux_value & (1 << 1)) ? MIOS32_AIN_MUX1_PIN : (MIOS32_AIN_MUX1_PIN<<16);
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.c:589:25: error: 'GPIO_TypeDef' has no member named 'BSRR'
     MIOS32_AIN_MUX2_PORT->BSRR = (mux_value & (1 << 2)) ? MIOS32_AIN_MUX2_PIN : (MIOS32_AIN_MUX2_PIN<<16);
Kompilierung fehlgeschlagen.
/home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/include/makefile/common.mk:160: recipe for target 'project_build//home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.o' failed
make: *** [project_build//home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/mios32/STM32F4xx/mios32_ain.o] Error 1
Edited by Phatline

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