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Newb question!


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Hi people, after long lurking around, i deciced i need a FM synth in my gear. My question being, how does midibox fm works, which i cant find anywhere. Is it like modern kits ( shruthi , preenFM -  usage wise ) ? Excuse my broken english, i am going to use it mainly live, playing with a keyboard, one channel , switch presets on the fly, etc ?

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No, it isn't like modern kits. The project has been created 10 years ago and was intended to be built into a 19" case with a large display and many menu selection buttons + soft function encoders.

Smaller variants (such as sammichFM) are more difficult to use, actually it's better to edit sounds with the CTRL editor for these devices.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Edited by TK.
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No, it isn't like modern kits. The project has been created 10 years ago and was intended to be built into a 19" case with a large display and many menu selection buttons + soft function encoders.

Smaller variants (such as sammichFM) are more difficult to use, actually it's better to edit sounds with the CTRL editor for these devices.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

But i could manage it into a desktop like case. Aside from that, im puzzled by midi channels. Can i use all operators on one channel only, kinda like a regular, lets say DX synth ? 

Reading a user manual i see its somewhat like a roland d110 which i have, but nevertheless im going to build one :)

Edited by voidkampff
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But i could manage it into a desktop like case. Aside from that, im puzzled by midi channels. Can i use all operators on one channel only, kinda like a regular, lets say DX synth ? 

yes, the operators of an instrument can only be controlled from a single MIDI channel.

There is no possibility to satisfy special requests - this is a really old project written in assembly language for an expired microcontroller. It also has a very inflexible patch structure (where I intended to allow the control of all parameters via CC). It isn't fun to enhance this, therefore it's officially only in maintenance mode anymore.

However, it makes some cool sounds! Don't miss the powerful randomizer! ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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I will build it, definitely. I really like "dos" sounds, and with a few pedals and a filter it can sound really nice. One big plus for me is that i have little money but a bunch of parts and copper boards so i can etch myself. It really helps its single sided, i never managed to do vias in the diy kitchen

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