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MBCV or MIDIO128 question


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I have a soviet pseudo-polyphonic almost analog strings-musical instrument Opus.It sounds great.

Interested to midify it, but not sure which way to go?

For controlling the filter or some of the filters I need to build MBCV,I think. But this way isn't useful to midify the keyboard's 5 octave keys .That I understand from some readings.May I need to merge 2 pieces PIC18...based cores: the MBCV and the Midio 128 for that?Whereas with the newest LPC based core I'm not sure in my possibilities to make a right software part for that.

Can any knowledgeable to give some more advice?



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With the Pic based core tested midi in with some keyboard keys: 

Keyboard keys originaly are grounded , tried to make logical OR, diode is signal diode, as 1N4148. An idea using the optocouplers is from Doepfer the Solina midification pdf example. With the 60 keys will be 60 gates signals, it's paraphonic musical instrument.



Opus keys midi in.PNG

Edited by Janis1279
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