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Matrix Additive / Substractive Audio synthesis


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In order to build matrix driven additive / substractive post-mix module, (for blending synth output modules)
Would someone advice me a good drivable op-amp that could achieve Mixing , Filtering and Amp functions?
Few audio circuits detailed Here
Principle of additive/substractive synthesis in the pic below.


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How many projects are you trying to do at once?!

I use TL072/TL074 as my go-to op-amp for audio applications when a bipolar supply is available, and MCP6002/MCP6004 for +5V only. Any op-amp can do mixing, filtering, and amplifying; the characteristics that distinguish op-amps are more based on the overall application (audio, which determines the frequency range) and the supply voltage, rather than whether you're doing filtering or mixing.

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That is just a design concept/question =)
I have much work with MBFMX2 and will stick to it before anything else ^^
Did not said i will realize anything in this way.

Just had this idea of a "post-mixing" module , something that could help mixing synth modules outputs in a funny way.
And remembered about additive/substractive modulation matrixes.
Then you have this thread :D


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After documenting a bit more , i've learnt about crosspoint switches.
Found this crosspoint switch in DIP package Link to the CP switch (CD22M3494)
This CP switch could be driven by a dout ?

So , as well as MCP600X OP-Amp looks fitted to audio apps and works in 5V,
I think a nice postmixing design could be done based upon this CD22M3494 switch and 2/4 MCP6004?

thanks in advance for your answer,
Best regards,

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I admit 16x8 may sound big,. But what can do most can do less ?
And this chip is DIP, that's kinda difficult to find CP switches in this DIY-friendly format working with 5v.
Matrix would allow to make like some "patching fun" by routing the signals in different inputs/outputs, driven by core.
On some matrix outputs you could have some traditional filter design like HP/LP/BP and on other one outputs some mixing setups.
Plug your audio synth modules outputs to this and reroute/filter your signals in the funny ways you want, that was the "concept".

If you think this chip may sound ok, i could start a raw design upon this. (Still making my mouser order list, think will order one of these CP switches to experiment on the protoboard =) )

Thanks for answering,
Best regards ,

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Nice chip! If it is good enough for video signal switching, it should be easily able to cope with audio signals... :-) Please keep us posted on that project... An affordable, standalone MIDI-controlled audio switcher surely is a nice thing - I know, there have been similar mixer projects before, but this looks like a fairly simple and affordable solution... Everybody, who does not have enough mixer ports and hates switching with good old patchbay cables or needs a kind of "total recall" for patchbay wiring would benefit.

Many greets!

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