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Question on LFO's


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Hi folks,

I"m working in Song mode and trying to do a volume ramp to fade in some pads. I'm using a CC Parameter layer to do this and a one shot LFO set to ramp up the volume CC over about 2/3's of the pattern length. In phrase mode this works fine but in Song mode it doesn't do it. My pad comes in at around Position A4 after the intro but comes in with Volume set high as if the LFO has already ran it's course. If I play this pattern at Position A2 (after the mutes) it ramps fine. This seems to indicate that the LFO is triggering right at the start of the song. 

Now I've said all that I'm sure I don't fully understand the loop lengths. My G1T1 is 16 steps, my G1T2 is 128 steps. I notice that in song mode if I Actx4 then G1T2 comes in half way through, so I loop 8x to fit it in. When it comes to the pad (G3T1) also 128 steps the ramp just doesn't happen unless its the start of the song.

Am I confused or is this a limitation?

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problem is understood, but it requires a firmware enhancement.

I added following to the wish list:

Song Mode: when a new pattern is selected, it would be helpful to sync the appr. tracks to the measures, e.g. to reset the LFO
Add option for this behaviour.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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