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Help: MIDIbox Sid with no sound


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Hi everyone!


I am a complete noob and I have just build my first MidBox SID (just the Core and the SID modules, without a LCD). Unfortunately I am not able to produce any sound!  Could you please help me?


Below are some tests/information of what I am getting while trying to debug the MidiBox:


1) In MIOS Studio 2.4.6, I get the following message ( so I think that I covered the "basics"):

Operating System: MIOS8

Board: MBHP_CORE or similar

Core Family: PIC18F

Bootloader is up & running!


2) When I run the "mbsid interconnection test v2"application, I can confirm that all SID pins are set to the correct voltage, with the exception of pin "RES#" (always at 0V).


3) When I run the "setup_6581.hex" I receive the sysex message "f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7" every 4 or 5 seconds together with a weak high pitched sound followed by silence. However, when I play my MIDI keyboard, no sound is produced.


Unfortunately, I have no idea of any additional test that I could perform. If you could give me any hint or tip it would be highly appreciated!




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Hi everyone!


Just a quick update: after a good night of sleep, I found a bad joint directly connect to the RES# pin in the SID chip.

After fixing this, now I am able to complete successfully the "mbsid interconnection test v2" application, and confirmed that all SID pins have the correct voltage during the test.

Also, when I run the  "mbsid_testtone_v3c" application I get a triangle waveform from the SID output, as expected.


However, when I run the "setup_6581.hex" I get only a "click" sound and the sysex message "f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7" every 4 seconds. I tried to upload the other files from the "midibox_sid_v2_044", but the behavior is always the same.

Any hint or tip? Is the sysex message "f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7" the expected behavior from the application "setup_6581.hex"? What does this sysex message mean?



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