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Polyphony question regarding MB SID v2


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Hi there,

a) in lead engine mode, you have 4 voice polyphony, because of the cores being layed out as stereo cores - each voice having 3 oscillators and you can program stereo panning e.g. using LFOs.
b) yes, in multi engine mode, you can have 24 voices, each voice being a single sid oscillator and each voice being either panned hard left or right, you might need to adjust in your mixer...

Yes, MBSID is awesome! :-)

Many greets,

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  • 4 months later...

Ok so I noticed that in a single core I can achieve 6 note polyphony. One if the patches (poly saw) that uses the multu-engine demonstrates this.


I noticed that the first 3 voices will play in the left channel and the last 3 will play in the right.

Is panning of voices limited to ONLY hard L/R?

Is it possible to play all 6 voices from a stereo pair (or all 24 from 4x stereo pair) in mono?


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This is a hardware limitation. Each SID has a separate output, directly routed to either L or R, so voices that only sound from one SID will be panned by necessity. Best way to adjust this is in a DAW or on your mixer. You could wire up a passive mixer inside your MBSID that allows you to adjust pan, but it's a lot of work for not a lot of payoff.

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Yea I had a major "d'oh" moment...just run the output to a single channel in the mixer lol.

I'm guessing the best option for playing a single patch with max voices is the Superpoly mode? I am probably wrong here...but wouldn't this allow 12 voices and the parameters would affect all the voices globally? 

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My understanding is that only the Lead Engine is supported by super-poly mode. So four voices only, but you get super flexible voices.

You can do six voices in the Multi Engine, but those are paraphonic voices (only one filter per three oscillators), and as above, every three voices will switch from R to L.

If you want absolute maximum polyphony, you could get 24 voices by using four instances of the same Multi Engine patch on different channels with some external MIDI trickery (software or hardware that can switch to the next channel every six notes), but I would suggest that if you need 24 voices, you're starting to get well outside the strengths of the SID chip.

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Well..I don't think anybody needs 24 voices. That's ridiculous. I was wondering if it was possible. Reading through the manual, I concluded that setting 4 instances of the same Multi Engine patch across the 4 engines was the only way...

I thought I remembered setting keyranges per midi channel was possible in MIOS though...this way it could be set as an ensemble any time you wanted a 24 voice instance (which would be cool)...

Appears I was wrong...a hardware/software solution to this would probably be clunky and counterintuitive anyway. 

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