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Weird issue with MIOS Studio under Windows 10

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Hi all,

I am facing a very, very strange problem with MIOS Studio under Windows 10. I have created an application using Eclipse with MIOS32 on my Win10 machine, but when this application is loaded in the STM32F407 via MIOS Studio, I loose the USB connection between MIOS Studio and the MBHP. I thought first it was my application, but when I upload it with MIOS Studio on a XP machine, the USB connection works :pout:

Here are the steps I follow :

- installation of MIOS Bootloader V1.0.18 on the MBHP using ST LINK

- I start MIOS Studio 2.4.6 : the USB MIDI port appears and MIOS Studio displays the bootloader message

- I select the HEX file compiled from Eclipse and upload it into the board : application is uploaded correcly. MIOS Studio looses the USB connection when the STM32 restarts (normal behavior up to now)

- if I scan now the MIDI devices on the computer : no more MIOS32! I can try anything from disconnecting USB, power supply, etc... It never appears again

I then reloaded the bootloader using ST LINK : USB connection to MIOS Studio works again. At this level, I thought it was an error on my side, blocking USB.

I connect now the MBHP to a WinXP machine and I take the HEX file compiled on the Win10 machine. The bootloader appears as expected and I am able to upload the HEX file into the MBHP.

But now, when the MBHP restarts (with the application compiled on Win10 machine), it works perfectly with MIOS Studio under XP!

If I connect it to the Win10 machine again : fail!

So the problem is clearly not in my code, nor in the toolchain being run under Win10.

Did somebody already saw that?



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If you like, attach the .hex and I can try it over here.

FWIW, did you try updating the ST LINK firmware to LINK007? I know with older firmwares on newer DISCOVERY boards it can have trouble with USB when the mini USB side is disconnected (I've posted that in various threads over the last couple of days).

Win10 can also have issues with MIDI drivers. Also note on MIOS32_download:

midibox.org_gm5_WIN32_1.0.10.zip USB MIDI driver for 32bit Windows. Especially recommended for MIOS32 applications which provide more than 1 USB MIDI Port for robust SysEx transfers. Also provides multi client capability and improved performance.
Details about this driver can be found at the MBHP_USB_GM5 page.
Note that for MacOS and Linux no special driver is required!
The GM5 driver is currently not supported for the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module, but it's planned to provide it in future!
midibox.org_gm5_X64_1.0.10.zip USB MIDI driver for 64bit Windows.


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Hi Latigid,

thank you for your help

forgot to say : this is a MB997C board (previous version of Discovery, not the new one). I tried to install the GM5 driver, but it fails (it says "Contact manufacturer : error 0x0006")

I did not try to update the ST LINK for now, I will try later today (normally, it's not related to that, since it's not the new DISCOVERY board)

I send you here the HEX file I used for the test. The application is empty, it's just the basic core (so I am sure it's not a bug crashing the board)





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And small update : I made a test under Mac OS (10.9) and it works too. MIOS Studio finds a "USB MIDI Peripheral" (generic name). When I check in Audio/MIDI Configuration, it is also displayed corectly (as coming from midibox.org). So the more I look in that, the more I think it's a Win10 related issue, not a MIOS32 problem itself.

I will make a test today at work with a Win7 machine, just to be sure


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I tried the app_skeleton on Win7 : it works, the USB MIDI interface is recognized. So there is an issue in my code that blocks the Win7, I will look to that

But there is also clearly a Win10 issue. If I go to configuration panel when app_skeleton is running, here is what Win10 tells me



(Ok, it's in French :fear: sorry)

The MBHP does not appear as a MIDI interface but as a composite device (so, there is an enumeration issue. The MBHP is composite : MIDI + Audio, both should appear here)

And the status reported below is "driver error" (while everything works fine on Win7...)


Edited by BEBDigitalAudio
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I finally solved the issue :happy:

I just updated my SVN snapshot completely. Don't ask me which file was different, but once I got a fresh view, I just recompiled the application and it worked.

And finally, there is no bug on my side, it's just something related to MIOS32 source code, like a file which was not updated on my computer to the last version (probably in the USB enumerator).

Now, the application works like a charm both on XP, Win7, Win10 and Mac without changing even one line of code on my side :rolleyes:

And thank you a lot for your time and investigations, Latigid.

At least, we know now what to do when we see such a behavior on Win10...

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  • 5 months later...
35 minutes ago, youpli said:

Hi, I am on Win 10. Can you send me your program .?



Hi Youpli,

thank you for your proposal, but the issue has been solved (see the last message I sent).

I solved this by recompiling the application from a fresh copy of the repository. I suppose the USB enumerator code was corrupted in my repository copy, and this was giving this strange issue


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