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Chaining A DIN's after a DOUTX4


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Quick question here.

i want to chain a DIN's after a DOUTX4 module and looking at the DOUTX4 schematic I'm thinking I may be able to solder a jumper between the SI pin of J1 and the SI pin of J2  to pass the DIN data back to the Core.... Any ideas if this will work?

I'll explain what I'm trying to do. 

I've got a MBSEQ (STM32F4 core) which connects to a AOUT NG and DOUTX4 via a MBHP Line Driver/Reciver, this works fine. I want to add a  16x4 BLM and TPD to this setup.

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What rev of PCBs do you have? The smashTV DOUT already connect the appropriate SI/SO signals, so in theory you can have any arrangement of DIN/DOUT. I can't say about the other modules you've got though.

In old MIDIbox days, J8 and J9 were on separate "SIL headers." It's also possible to wire your ribbon cable with a third DIL connector and split DIN and DOUT Y-cable style (I understand this isn't your usecase).

Have a read through the forum though: others have had problems unless the TPD is last in the chain because it has an unbalanced sequence of 165 and 595 chips. Reduction in signal transmission of (I assume) SC and maybe RC led to hang-ups. Again guessing, but adding yet another PCB, cable, connections doesn't sound good. Then again, the receiver side may give a decent drive that solves the issues.

Try and see? And let us know?

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The PCBs are pretty old. I got them from Smash about 10 years ago. 

When I connect the BLM to J2 on the DOUTX4 the upstream DOUT shift registers work but the DIN shift registers aren't passing anything downstream. If I take the DOUTX4 out of the equation and connect the BLM directly to the Line reciver it works (I haven't set up the HW config correctly yet).

I've got the TPD at the end of the chain.

I need to get out a DMM and see if the SI pins on J1 and J2 are connected. 

What I really should do is build the 16x16 BLM I got from you, that will solve the problem.

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