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Eventually! MB Seq desktop panels back in stock!


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I know its been ages - my attention has been on other things.

...but ive finally re-cut  some of the mbseq desktop panel sets.  These ones - 




(note, i dont cut the cases, just the panels - the top and rear sections)


Anyhow, ive just taken updated the page here accordingly - 


Again, im sorry that it has taken so long.





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Someone got in before you!

I have one more finishing as i type this, but i wont update the stock in the 'shop' until its off the machine.  I never list things that dont actually exist, as that's just a road to pain...


I think the timer says that the final pass should be complete in about 1.5hrs from now


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Julian, those back panels look like they are for the older LPC17 core, do you have  a design for the newer STM32F4 core ?, using what would probably be a base configuration of a midi I/O, an SD Card slot, an Ethernet port, and  1 4xIIC ports, CV D25 port, USB slots, power etc. There must be an .fpd floating around here somewhere but I haven't found it yet

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Last time i looked at this (which was some time ago now) the configuration had not stabilised, so there seemed to be no 'common' back panel, hence keeping with the 'known good' of the past.  

I would not like to ship a 'beta', but If things are now stable, then its not a problem to change the back panel, however, i would need to know precisely what is required.

I will not have the fpd for the current rear panel, as the on/off switch was updated (along with, i think, the power jack) to more accessible parts, as builders were having issues with the original parts.  A midi port was also added from the original IIRC

I can update the dxf without issue, but, again, i would want to be 100% sure it was a final/stable/correct revision before shipping it out to people.



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