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Thresholded CC events while rising from zero


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Hello community!

While experimenting with pots and other types of analogue inputs I've noticed a specific behavior:

Let's say, some analogue input is mapped to certain controller with range from 0 to 127.

If this input voltage is slowly rising from 0, MIDIbox NG does nothing and waits until this value is big enough to send at least 4. So, values from 1 to 3 are skipped.

Fading works smoothly, i.e. values from 3 to 0 are sent.

Then if I don't hesitate and rise the voltage again - rising goes smoothly (values 1 to 3 are sent), but if I wait a little and then repeat the procedure - values from 1 to 3 are skipped.

Is this intended behavior of NG application? If so, could TK point me a place in code where it can be tweaked?

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That's not the case, because I've noticed this feature with photo-transistor, then confirmed with POT. This feature is similar to dead band that I'd like to decrease a little.

I seams to me that it works not only in zero neighborhood, but at any voltage. The only requirement - it has to be stable for some time. Then to be pushed to new value it has overcome +-4 threshold.

BTW, mode is set to Direct.

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