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Using Feedback Pot and Audio In simultaneously


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I'd like to experiment with SID filter supplied by my audio interface output to SID's audio input. I'd like feedback pot to remain because it gives extended possibilities bringing SID filter resonating capabilities to another level :-)

So, I thought I could connect my audio interface output to the middle pin of the pot (the wiper) through 10k resistor in series. Like passive mixer schematics, but no additional resistor on SIDs output, because here no-fi managed to connect output buffers of 4 SIDs without any resistors at all. 

Is it a good idea, or, when feedback pot is fully clockwise I have a chance to burn my SIDs? I hope the only thing I can possibly burn - is the transistor, isn't it it's main purpose to protect SID's output?

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So, I tried my idea with 10k resistor on SID's output also.

I must admit that output from my audio interface comes from SID very attenuated, especially when it passes through filter (EXT IN is on). Feedback on SID doesn't sound that good (self-oscillating) with that extra 10k resistor also.

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Honestly (and I know this comment is going to be super-unhelpful), neither of these features is a show-stopper to begin with. I'd just pick the feature you want to support and stick with it instead of spending a bunch of time trying to figure out how to have both. I've built two MIDIbox SIDs, one with audio-in and one with feedback, and I've almost never used either feature.


It's the kind of thing that sounds good on paper (and having both sounds even better on paper!) but in reality, it's just not that interesting.


just IMO

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jaytee, you seem to be right. During my experiments I've discovered that chaining SIDs is more interesting that any of above mentioned applications of AUDIO IN.

Also, balancing output impedances of SID and audio interface is not the challenge I'd like to accept.

I have to disconnect matrix and other leds (not possible for people who soldered base board to control surface directly) in order to have external audio in passing through SID filter without loud hum caused by LEDs switching (mine are bright, maybe that's the case). Wiring (or cross-wiring) SIDs' outputs to inputs does not produce that much hum (however, it can also be reduced by disconnecting LEDs and matrix. It helps even if audio inputs are grounded).

Maybe I should compile some special .hex file that does not light any LEDs for song bouncing?

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