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AOUT + LINE DRIVER + Gates / wilba cs


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I'm big fan of my seq V4. I have the wilba pcb  and I'd like to use all the possibility of CV/gates

I have already the 8cvs + 2 gates from the AOUT board and I can say this board is really working well with nice precision for CV's

Now I'm trying to add 6 other gates for Aout CV3 to CV8

I use Line drivers to add distance between seq and cv/gate box :

J19 from core  linked to J19 Line driver transmitter. Line driver receiver work well with AOUT

J2 from Wilba pcb goes to J2 Line driver transmitter . Other side , I don't have the gates 3 to 8 working on the DOUT added.

I've tried to connect directly the Dout for the gates directly to J2 from Wilba pcb, using a led to see the pulse from the gate....with no success


I've modified the hardware configuration file (using v0.92) like this :


# CV and Gate/Trigger/Sync Setup

# the 8 CV gates can be assigned to a shift register (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# - 1st CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D7
# - 2nd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D6
# - 3rd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D5
# - ...
# - 8th CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D0

but : not CV_GATE_SR3     1       because gates 1 & 2 are coming from AOUT board, really not sure of what I did .....


and this :



I have other topics mostly with AOUT NG .....not sure if I can do the same with an AOUT board ????


Any idea would be helpfull :)

Thank you in advance




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Hi latigid on,

thank you for your reply.

It was really not clear in my head. I didn't understand the fact that we don't use one line to define each gate...

I have soldered a jumper on J2_SI ( this one is on the Line driver transmitter between J19 and J2)...Should I use it, or not ?

I 'm not sure that I have read it was necessary.


Thank you

I have to try now ;)


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J2_SI is only required if you connect some sort of DIN chain to your Line sender, and you need to get those data back to the Core. But it doesn't matter if it's soldered in place for your case. If you look on the uCapps page you can see the situations where the configs are explained.

Good luck!

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