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[SOLVED] Multiple MIDIbox cores in windows


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Hey people,

I have two MIDIboxes here and I have some trouble with connecting them to Windows. 

I configured both cores to single-usb and I gave them individual names (f.e. Key and Controller). I also set the device ID of Key to 0 and of Controller to 1.

If I now connect both MIDIboxes to my computer (running Win10) the thing is, that MIOStudio is not able to differentiate between both cores although I did set different device IDs. Also both cores will have the same name! It depends on which core I connect at first. If I connect Key at first, both MIDIboxes will be namened "Key". 

Also my DAW names them the same but adds a number behind the name. So the first MIDIboxes is "Key" and the second "Key #2". 

Is there any workaround for this issue?



Edited by FantomXR
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I have had a very similar problem between a midibox core and my GM5 under windows 7 that I never solved. Also had the same problem under windows 10 IIRC.

Seems really sad to have to buy a new USB OEM midi interface if I want to connect a midibox on the same computer!

Sorry I can't help, but I would love a fix for this also...

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@Duggle: I did some more searching on this topic. And I found some useful informations in the bootloader-source code. There you can define unique USB data f.e. Vendor ID, etc.pp. Unfortunately I'm not able to compile the bootloader... I get some errors and the file in the end is only 15kb compared to the bootloader from ucapps.de which is at 150kb or so...

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You are wrong! ;-)

I added these lines to the mio32_config.h file of the desired application (no bootloader rebuild needed).

// Following settings allow to customize the USB device descriptor
#define MIOS32_USB_VENDOR_ID    0x16c1        // sponsored by voti.nl! see http://www.voti.nl/pids
#define MIOS32_USB_VENDOR_STR   "Test"       // you will see this in the USB device description
#define MIOS32_USB_PRODUCT_STR  "Test2"      // you will see this in the MIDI device list
#define MIOS32_USB_PRODUCT_ID   0x0405        // ==1023; 1020-1029 reserved for T.Klose, 1000 - 1009 free for lab use
#define MIOS32_USB_VERSION_ID   0x0200        // v1.00

The original which I found in the bootloader is this:

// Following settings allow to customize the USB device descriptor
#define MIOS32_USB_VENDOR_ID    0x16c0        // sponsored by voti.nl! see http://www.voti.nl/pids
#define MIOS32_USB_VENDOR_STR   "midibox.org" // you will see this in the USB device description
#define MIOS32_USB_PRODUCT_STR  "MIOS32 Bootloader"  // you will see this in the MIDI device list
#define MIOS32_USB_PRODUCT_ID   0x03fe        // ==1022; 1020-1029 reserved for T.Klose, 1000 - 1009 free for lab use... 0x3fe is required if the GM5 driver should be used
#define MIOS32_USB_VERSION_ID   0x1010        // v1.010

I assume that windows takes the VID and the PID to identify the device. If you change those values for your second application, this works perfectly. Windows recognizes both devices! Also MIOStudio is able to edit both applications! :-) 

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