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Issues with new MB6582 build


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Hi guys,


I'm just throwing the last few bits of my mb6582 together but I'm having trouble loading anything over midi.

I got my four Pics from smash tv so they had the bootstrap loader and mios on them.

Mios studio sees the core and says application is running but when I try to upload any hex files, it times out.

I did the usual loopback tests and everything. The only thing I've noticed is that pin 20 on the 3 slave cores is sitting at 5V but on the Master it's at ground.

So basically there's a 5V drop across R9 on core 1 but not on all other 3 cores.


I'm using an E-MU 2X2 which I know others have had issues with. I've tried it in Windows 10, 7 and XP with no joy.


Any pointers would be much appreciated.

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I've tested the optocoupler using this and it looks good.

I've also pulled out the three slave pics and all the shift registers and now pin 20 on the master is floating at about 1.3V.

I don't want to go desoldering or reflowing anything yet. I spent hours doing it last week trying to figure out why my LCD wasn't displaying anything and then as soon as I switched in a new LCD it was fine.

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I think pin 20 is used for DIN, so it makes sense that it's only used on core 1 (which is the core that works with the CS).

I would try to track down an alternate MIDI interface to see if that changes anything. As you note, it sounds like others have had issues with the one you're using. A bad sysex implementation on your interface is ver likely to cause the symptoms you're having.

Edited by jaytee
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to give an update.

It turns out the midi interface doesn't work at all. Tried it under Windows 10, XP and Ubuntu.

I got a midisport 2X2 from Smithy and it worked perfect.

I'm practically finished the build, just need to get some knobs for the encoders.

Just had a mess around with the included patches, need to have a read through the manual and start making some of my own.

Cheers for the help.

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Well here's the messy insides to start.




The panel I got had the hole for the expansion port so I Just attached a connector so it didn't look so bad.




Just need to get some nice knobs for my encoders and it's finished.



LEDs I got are a bit bright :)



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