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Anyway, I may end up modifying mbseq to do xox style programming for this thing. I am thinking i could use the DOUT's for trigger pulses?

Oh, nice idea! ;)

A long time ago I modified Korg Minipops 120 drummachine ("cheesy bossanova preset thing", but nice hats, and very nice 909ish snare) to accept external triggers for individual sounds and 16th note sync (and individual outputs), by just poking around pcb..

I think that DOUT's are ok for triggers, but on the DR-55's side I would recommend to use transistor switching to trigger sounds.. oh, and Colin Fraser has DR-55 service manual online: http://www.colinfraser.com/

Keep us posted, maybe at Midification, Ok?

Bye, Moebius


Thanks for the link! I've been to that site many times, I may even have it bookmarked already, but i forgot that dr55 service manual was there. I'll keep you all posted, but as usual with me, it could be a while.I just don't know how TK does it! (I'm sure the greater level of experience really helps)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all !  


Mios controlled anyone?  

Also  i am probably reinventign the wheel here but..

Other IDeas (i.e. little things that keep me up at night  )

MIOS driven Midi Effector.   Basically a knob box with selectable midi IN and OUt ports.    

Midi chain  

MIos Sequencer-_out_->Midi Effector-_out _->Device ( synth, noisebox,sampler etc. )

the Effector would generate  Sysex, NPRN, Patch/bank change messages, RPN, CC.  you would select the channel to 'Effect" ( the channel coming from the SEQ ) and then either call up PRE generated stored messges, or do manual edits with  knobs, touch surface, joystick ..whatever.  The messages get merged with the data from the SEQ and then to the device making the noise.  

Why do this ?

well, U can store a bunch of messages in bankstiks.  and call them up on the Effector menu and apply it to any midi channel coming thru..  

1)   A  gate effect  sequenced out.   channel 1 is hi hats..

  Call up the gate program, select channel 1. enter.

   BAM instant gated Hi hats.

2)    A filter sweep or swell,  sequenced out a number of  

  measures for a transition in your set with a note off and Program change to end it.


 Call up your "Awesome Transition 1"  program..

  Select channel to sweep.  enter..  

 Your sweep starts... you count it out ( time it)  then switch patterns for your new sounds called up by the automated prg change in PROG.

Now.. not sure if this is possible atm.  

I believe you could store these events as META events or whatever.  anyway  I finally have source of income and about to start building...

Thanks again TK and Midibox community :)

happy soldering :0



Posted by: sil909 Posted on: Apr 15th, 2004, 12:33pm

Hello all !  


Mios controlled anyone?  

Yeh I was thinking that myself! :) Those EZKit boards aren't real easy to come by though....

Also  i am probably reinventign the wheel here but..

Other IDeas (i.e. little things that keep me up at night  )

LOL :)


MIOS driven Midi Effector

In some post (months ago) i was talking about this feature on the seq... It's really easily done, I started with the merger code and worked from there...


Ez-kit boards hard to get now ?


/cry.  I was gonna start shopping today for my TK-box and DSp project..  if you come up with anything. please leave me pm here :)

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