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MB LRE4x2CS rotary encoder board with led rings


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Hey all,


I think this is the right place to post this but please point me in the right direction if im in the wrong place.

So a while ago I started asking around about trying to get hold of a PCB for on of Fairlght's LRE8x2CS boards. Sadly it seems fairlight isnt around but thank you  to him for the inspiration. Id been meaning to get around to building a rotary encoder setup for a while but i didnt want to build a 2 PCB setup with a DIN DOUT and encoder / led ring setup. I read up on the OLRE but im not sure my SMD soldering is up to scratch. Anyhow so i thought id poke through Fairlights schematic and see if could understand some of the details and make use of his schematics to build something smaller and thought it might be useful to post here for a sense check. The schematic is 2x4 version of fairlights and it doesnt have the push button encoders like fairlight's version (mostly because i didnt have a 16mm push button encoder for eagle and to be honest im still learning the software!)


Im happy to share the eagle files with both the pcb and schematic files if anyone wants and it helps them to get up and running although my pcb has a slightly different spacing for encoders so i could easily work in mm. It should be able however to place 2 alongside one another and still be able to fit within a 19 inch 2U rack mount.

MB LRE2x4CS.png

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Midibox LRE8x2CS.zipMidibox LRE4x2CS.zip

It looks like i created a version for a 1x4 and a 1x8 when i worked on this. I dont beleive the 1x8 is laid out though. I have never had these printed so they are entirely untested and the schematics are generated from the PDF of the original LRE or the midibox wiki. Perhaps these can be added there long term if we get a working version. Again though id recommend double checking my work before having anything printed. It's also the first go i had at laying out a PCB so might well be worth making sure ive done nothing stupid with the board layouts.


Hope this helps anyone looking to have a go making them.




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