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midibox64seq question

Guest Ryan

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Hi all!


     I'm in the process of building my MBHP core right now, and i had an idea. I'm going to use the core for MB64 and MB64SEQ interchangeably. I'll build a box for the core and just make connections to the MB64 and MB64SEQ (some sort of external cpre). Now my problem is; does the MB64 and MB64SEQ use the same firmware? I didn't see a firmware for the MB64SEQ on the downloads page. Or do I have to reprogram the PIC each time I connect them to the SEQuencer and the MB64?

Hope someone can help me



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Hi Ryan.

They use different MIOS application. After burning mios bootloader to PIC you can download mios over midi and  then suitable application. So, Yes you have to reprogram PIC, when switching to different application, but you can do it over midi.

MB64Seq is still on beta level, so it's not offered for download.

Bye, Moebius

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Sorry, a little mixup..

I was assuming you are building 18F452 based mios compatible core.  ::) Are you?!

For 16F877 MB use firmware found from "OLD PIC16F Firmwares "-page. These you must "burn" on pic.

For MIOS based version: Just wait for a release ;)


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