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How can i set/get parameters?


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i'm trying to add some custom code to the NG app.

I want to set/get a parameter called kb_transpose. It seems that this parameter is part of MBNG_EVENT_CONTROLLER_KB event.

1.) Do i have to dispatch MBNG_EVENT_CONTROLLER_KB when i want to change the value of kb_transpose?
2.) How would i get the current value of kb_transpose?

As you can see i've trouble understanding how i can change parameters via code without using ngc/ngr scripts. I've no idea where parameters are stored and how i can access them. Is there a suitable tutorial for this?

Your help is greatly appreciated

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  • 3 weeks later...


i'd appreciate some help understanding how the NG app works.

I want to transpose (octave up/down) a keyboard, but don't understand where the respective variable is stored and how i can change its value.

In MBNG_KB_NotifyToggle (mbng_kb.c) line 173 i found this:

s8 kb_transpose = (s8)item.custom_flags.KB.kb_transpose;

This appears to be the place where the transpose value is added to the actual note pressed. Is this correct?

How can i change kb_transpose myself?


Thank you very much

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