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Increase USB midi input buffer: How to?


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My MIO32 application is failing when the host computer sends too much USB sysex to my F4 core at application startup. 

I have tried to increase MIOS32_USB_MIDI_RX_BUFFER_SIZE to 0x400 and MIOS32_USB_MIDI_DATA_IN_SIZE to 128 (256 and the USB of the core basically stops working) This has not changed the behaviour...

I'm not sure what I'm doing but I would like to increase the USB midi data rx buffer.

Thanks for any help. 

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Don't know if it's related but I remember having app issue (MB_NG) when in debug mode combined with large "regular" data transfer or config file update from/to computer.

So maybe as a start just be sure debug mod is off as soon as you don't need it and send lot of data.




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Thanks for the hint!

It caused me to look at the size of another queue in my app which made a difference. However it did not come fully good until I disabled debug messages as you suggested. I had been using


 which I didn't would be a problem but it clearly is/was.

I'm now thinking about how I increase the (data buffer) capacity for debug messages. My app is not resource heavy and I'm using an F4 core, so there should be plenty available. 

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