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Change Main Encoder Function


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Thorsten, thank you very much!

Can you help me please ? I I bought sid from the previous owner and I do not have a strong skill for programming functions. I can read some of them in an inc file, but I lack knowledge.

Now, if I press the red button, I’m going to the potentiometer assignment menu. I want to swap the function of pressing the encoder and pressing the red button.

//I attached photos + files * asm and * inc if you have time..





Edited by imaginarion
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I can't access the files, could you please attach them to this posting?

On 21.1.2020 at 0:33 PM, imaginarion said:

Which function is responsible for switching to the menu where i can assign functions to 5 potentiometers ?

I guess you mean CS_MENU_BUTTON_Knob

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I solved the problem - it was necessary to swap the pin, CS_MENU_BUTTON_Exec with CS_MENU_BUTTON_Knob

Now I have a different problem. I can’t understand why, when I spin the potentiometers that I assign to any parameters, the numbers on the display are updated once a second? For example, I assigned the 1st potentiometer to the filter cutoff frequency parameter. I play and rotate this potentiometer, I hear changes in sound synchronously with rotation, and the numbers on the display are updated once a second

Thank you very much


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Hello again !

I come back with 3 questions ))

My potentiomenets working perfectly, display updating very fast, but if i want to drive mod wheel on my midi keyboard, i have slow update again. Which function are responsible ?

2. For example, i assign on pot 1 volume. K#1 = volume. What i can do, that K#1-#5 automatically change header drom K#1 to parameter name ?

3. The internal sequencer does not play sounds smoothly. Ok, I understand that there is micro swing and it’s impossible to do exactly on the grid. But often what’s playing from the sid and what I hear in DAW - it's more like a very drunk dj. Is it feature ?


Best Regards


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Hi Pavel,

to 1 and 2: add


under SID_KNOB_SetValue in sid_knob.inc

To 3: MBSID has a pretty stable timing.
I guess that you notice up to 30 mS lags due to the "well known" SID ADSR bug?
See also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_l.html and search for "ABW"

There are two solutions: either set Attack/Decay/Release to 0, or enable the ADSR Bug Workaround (which will add a constant delay which has to be compensated in your DAW

Best Regards, Thorsten. 

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Now the rotation of the modulation wheel is correctly. But the headers of the assigned pots do not inherit the names of the parameters to which we assighn them. Its looking like this now:

    movwf    SID_KNOB_NUM, BANKED    ; will be needed again later
    rcall    SID_KNOB_GetPtr

Best reagards


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On 2.2.2020 at 11:03 PM, imaginarion said:

Another question, please: when i switch off SID, he dont memorized last preset. Is it amenable to adjustment?

This isn't possible (and firmware changes in this direction are not recommended): the only permanent storage is an EEPROM, and it 1) has limited write cycles and 2) causes some delay during write operations.

On 6.2.2020 at 11:06 AM, imaginarion said:

    movwf    SID_KNOB_NUM, BANKED    ; will be needed again later
    rcall    SID_KNOB_GetPtr

Are you using a 2x20 or 4x20 display?

Parameter names are only displayed on a 4x20 LCD

If this is the case, add:

        ;; request printing label
        call    CS_MENU_UpdateLabel

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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