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I'm wondering about a few things about the mbseq v4+:

- the Morphing function isn't clear to me; I thought it was to morph between two parts of a performance but I'm at loss as to how to do it since it only allows to morph to a range of steps. 

- the song mode and phrase mode from what I gather are designed to arrange patterns before a performance but not on the go. How do you manage your performance? How can I chain one pattern after the other at the end of the measure for example?

I'll probably have some more questions in the days (weeks) to come :) 



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You might be interested in this tutorial by Midilab: http://midilab.co/midibox-seqv4-pattern-remix/

You can of course use Phrase or Song Mode live. In both modes, you have 128 song position slots at your disposal, numerated from A1 to P8.

Using the Song Mode let you chain various actions, which are stored in song positions, such as "Play these patterns X times", "Mute track G1T2 and G3T4", "Go back to A2 song position", etc. You can play these positions in a chain using Song Mode, or change song positions manually by using Phrase Mode and GP buttons which gives you quick access to 16 song positions (A1, B1, C1… up to P1.).

In Phrase Mode, the seq will play endlessly the chosen song position/patterns, and you have to change the song position manually if you want to skip to another part of your song.

In both modes, keep in mind that any song position is dependent from the previous song position, as you're defining actions.There's more info in the "5.2. Phrase Mode and Song Mode" chapter of the SEQ Beginner's Guide written by JJonas.

Edited by gotkovsky
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Thanks for your post, I had read the manual but there was something I was missing. I'll probably have to read it a couple of times. The pattern page provides what I need to play live if I also select the track page. I'm than able to select track groups on the lower row and the pattern to play with upper row.

The PATTERN REMIX seems really interesting! Any idea to which (free) button I can assign the page on the MBSEQ4+?


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Yes the manual can look a bit daunting but it's really precisely written, I'm actually coming back to it almost everyday when I'm working with the SEQ, the learning curve is a bit stiff but that's because the sequencer is a complex machine capable of lots of different things. If you wanna understand one function, just create a dummy session and try it!

Considering your question, you can assign a Bookmark to the Pattern Remix page, or re-assign a button of the V4+ UI by modifying the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file.

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