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MF_NG I'm missing something? (Newb)


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Hey All!

I have been tinkering with a project now for a few years on and off, time constraints, yada yada. Excuses aside, I have been trying my hardest to get it finished, and also trying to figure it all out without having to post on the forum.

Alas though, I am stuck, albeit so close I feel to being 100% done.

My setup is as follows:

LPC17 (Working fully I believe)

4*20 LCD (Working)

Control Surface (Working)

DIN and DOUT (working)

2* MF_NG with 16 RS60N11M9A0E Faders (Not working!!)

So, the faders have been the one thing I have not been able to get working fully. I can move them, the touch sensors work fine, but I cannot get them to send any MIDI when I move them!

If I load the Midibox_mm program into the Module, they work great, however, I cannot move them (motors) and of course the MF_NG tool does nothing.

I tried adding events to the Default.NGC file, but that did nothing.

I feel that it's probably something silly, and trust me, I have scoured the forum for countless hours. I wanted to figure it out by myself, but I'm now throwing in the towel and asking you guys for some help!

This has still been such a worthwhile project though, can't thank everyone enough (especially TK!) for making all this possible. Have enjoyed every minute putting it all together.  



P.S. I'm also wanting to hook up both MF_NG modules to Midi 3 in/out, and I know I have seen a wiring diagram somewhere, but cannot find it now, would appreciate a link to that also! :o)


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Hi Richie,

in MIOS Studio, MBHP_MF_NG configuration tool, please check the MIDI configuration.
E.g. the "operation mode" defines, what kind of MIDI events are sent, and the "touch sensor mode" defines, under which conditions they are sent.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: Don't know where to find the MIDI 3 IN/OUT wiring schematics, maybe the forum search function helps.

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Hey Thorsten

MF_NG setting as follows:

No. Faders - 8 ( 8 connected )

Operation mode: Emulated Motormix

MIDI Ch. 1

Midi Merger : Midibox Link Forwarding point (1st mf_ng) / Midibox Link Endpoint (2nd mf_ng)

pwm/deadband: all default

Touchsensor mode : Last option.

Touch sensor shows stream of CC when activated in MIDI in window, when connected to LPC17 or direct to PC, nothing happens when fader moved.

As I said in previous post, I tried loading the mm prog and the faders sent Midi as expected, touch sensor and slider. But in NG, just sensor shows.


Hope that's the info you need. 




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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I realize now that I must have dreamt up this magical way to connect MIDI 3/4 to the MF_NG modules.  The only way to do this is to build the expansion board as shown very clearly on the LPC17 page!

So now that's taken care of, and again, apologies for that noob act of blind sightedness!

I do have two more issues that I have not been able to figure out, but I promise I did go through the forum thoroughly first to see if I could find an answer! :D

Well first issue is probably new anyways as I realized the touch sensors are not working with the new 4685 build. Those were the only thing working using the other version.

The other problem I am having is getting the faders to move to the new values when switching banks. I can see the values on the lcd display but I can't get the faders to move to those values.

I am currently running with 8 faders for testing, along with 8 buttons exclusive for bank select and 8 more buttons, one under each fader. The finished product will have 16 faders/buttons.

My Code (showing 1 bank config) is attached.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!



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